Chapter 44

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After my show in Sydney Cash, Lamar, Hawk and I all had to fly back to New York so we could do the DNA shit with Lexi.

"Man, this shit is dumb." Hawk said as we all walked into the lab.

"I know." Cash said. "But it's the only way we can get Lexi off our asses."

"Wait, so if we're all getting tested 'cause she thinks we're the father, why is Abel here?" Hawk asked as he raised a brow at me. "You fucked her man?"

"Hell no...I-"

"Then why are you here?"

"Listen..." Cash started to explain. "She's saying its one of us and even though we know there's no way he can be the father he still has to get tested so Lexi can shut the fuck up."

"Hmm alright."

We all had to check in and fill out papers before sitting in the waiting room.

"You nervous?" Lamar asked.

"What do I have to be nervous about? I know I'm not the father 'cause the timing isn't right."

He nodded. "Who do you think the father is?"

"I hope it's none of us so she can leave us the fuck alone."

"I hope so too but honestly, I think Hawk is the daddy."

"Nigga shut up! That baby ain't mine!"

"How the fuck did you even hear that? I was whispering."

I laughed. " 'Cause he got ears like a hawk."

Before he could respond a nurse came out from the back and called him back. She called each of us back one by one and of course, I was last.

"We're gonna go wait for you outside." Cash said as they all got up.


I started to play on my phone as I waited for the nurse to call me back.

After a few minutes someone sat next to me but I paid them no attention until they touched my arm.

"Aye, what the-" I looked over and saw Lexi sitting next to me. "Ooh it's you."

"How's it going baby daddy?"

"I'm not your baby daddy."

"I wish you'd just stop denying it already." She rolled her eyes. "Anyway I saw the pictures of the cars you got Cami at the baby shower. She's so lucky to have you."

"No, I'm lucky to have her."

"How'd she convince you to get her and Mercedes and a Bentley?"

"She didn't convince to get her anything. I got them for her 'cause she deserved them."

"Just for having your baby? Does that mean I get a car when I have ours? I think I want a pink Porsche Cayenne."

"I'm not getting you shit."

"Then how am I supposed to transport our child around? Huh?"

"Stop saying our child. That thing isn't mine."

"Thing? That's hurtful."

"Well it's not mine and I want you to stop saying it is. You know damn well the timing doesnt line up so why are you still trying to pin it on me?"

Before she could answer the nurse came from the back and called my name. I followed her down a hall to a room and she asked me a few questions before swabbing my cheeks.

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