Chapter 9

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🚩 This chapter contains violence.🚩

"Good morning mom." I said as I walk by her sitting at the dining room table.

She was practically living with the twins and I now and I really didn't mind. It got lonely living in that big ass house with just Ava and AJ to keep me company.

"Good morning hun. How are you?"

"I'm okay." I grabbed an apple and joined her at the table. "And you?"

"You're just okay? Why is that?"

"I kinda miss Abel. We haven't really talked since he left."

"Are you two fighting about something?"

"No, he's just busy. Every time he calls me we only speak for a minute or two before someone is rushing him off the phone."

"Ooh, well that's no good. I'm sure he'll make the time to talk to you soon though."

"I hope so." I shrugged. "What are you doing today?"

"I gotta be at work in a little bit. Then I need to go grocery shopping when I get off."

"I need to go to the store today too so I can pick your things up for you if you want?"

"I'd appreciate that."

She scribbled her list on to a napkin and handed it to me.

"You want me to take the stuff to your house?"

"Yes, please."

I nodded and tucked the list into my pocket before getting up from the table.

Two hours later:
I pulled into the drive way of my moms house and grabbed the bags that had her stuff in them.

I used my key to get it and immediately went to the kitchen to put the stuff away.

I sat the bags down on the kitchen counter and started to unpack them. I started to hum as I moved around the kitchen, putting the groceries away until I heard my phone ring. I went back over to the counter and saw a picture of Abel and I and the name "Asshole 💘" flashing across the screen. I was just about to answer it but I heard someone behind me.

"This is a nice house."

I froze and slowly turned to see Kendrick leaning against the wall.

"What the fuck? How did you get in?"

"The back door was unlocked so I just let myself in."

"Why are you here?"

He stepped closer to me with a smile on his face that made me uneasy.

"I thought I was done with you Camille." He continued walking closer until we were just inches apart. "But I love you."

The look in his eyes was starting to scare me and I knew if I stayed and continued talking to him things weren't gonna end very well.

"Look....I'm over it and I'm not gonna keep talking about this. How about we both just leave and pretend you didn't just break into my moms house, okay? I won't tell the cops or anything."

I grabbed my phone and started to quickly walk away but he grabbed a fistful of my hair, yanked me back and forcefully slammed me into the wall. I felt a sharp pain shoot through my back and abdomen, causing me to whimper.

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