Chapter 31

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I had been avoiding Abel all day 'cause I was still mad at him, but when I went to grab my jacket so I could leave, he stopped me.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Out with Tia."

"Ooh, what are you going to do?"

"We're going to dinner. Would you like me to FaceTime you when I get there so you know I'm not with another man?"

"Camille, I said I'm sorry. Why can't we just let this go?"

"Why should I let it go? You accused me of fucking other guys because of a hoe that barely even knows me. And since you don't really know her either, why was it so easy for her to persuade you that I've been cheating? Did you already think I was cheating? What have I ever done to make you think I'd do that to you?"

"I'm sorry baby, I don't know what I was thinking. I know you'd never do that and I was stupid for even thinking that you would."

"Whatever..." I sighed heavily. "Ava has dance class in an hour. My mom said she'd take her but now she's stuck at work, so will you?"

"Of course."

"Thanks, bye."

I grabbed my jacket and keys then left.

Twenty minutes later I was at Cosme, sitting across from Tia. I called her last night after Abel and I argued so she already knew I was upset.

"So, what exactly happened?"

"He came home upset, so I asked him what's wrong and he had the audacity to ask me if I cheated on him while he was on tour."

"What the hell? Why would he think that?"

"Because that bitch Lexi told him I was fucking other guys, but she hasn't even known me that long so if I was, how would she know?"

"So she pretty much just made all this shit up and Abel believed her?"

"Yes! Like what the fuck? I have never, ever cheated on him...except for Jordan and I feel bad that I even fucked with her."

"Did he apologize?"

"Yeah, still hurts. I'd never sleep with another man. I love Abel."

"I know. I think he loves you and he trust you, but maybe he's still a little insecure and doesn't trust men that may be around you. So when she told him that, it made him anxious. Like maybe he thought he wasn't good enough for you or that he was lacking something you needed and another man came along and gave you what you were looking for."

"I didn't think about it like that...Now I feel kind of bad 'cause I was hard on him."

"It's okay. I'm sure you guys will talk it out. But what are we gonna do about this Lexi hoe?"

"I don't know. She's Cash's assistant so when Abel goes back on the road, I'm sure she's gonna be there and I don't trust her around him."

"Why don't you go on tour with him?"

"Because, 1. I'm pregnant and 2. Ava and AJ have school."

"They're only in kindergarten. You're more than capable of teaching them everything they need to learn. 123s, ABCs, how to spell and write their names, simple addition, you can teach them all that."

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