Chapter 2

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"Essix wake up, you're going to be late!" My mom calls from the kitchen.

I shoot up from my bed "Oh no!!" I frantically glance up at the wall clock "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!"

"You were so tired last night from work, I thought you could use an extra few minutes of sleep."

"Mom have many times have I told you not to do that!" I exclaim while running into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"I know you've told me a million times dear." She turns toward me wags a dinger at me "But don't forget who you're talking to. Remember I could've not woken you up at all."

I saw her sassy gesture in the reflection of the mirror in the bathroom and I couldn't help but smile.

"Ooh someone is sassy this morning." I joke while jamming my toothbrush in my mouth.

My mom goes back to stirring something on the stove. "Well they don't call me sassy Cassie for nothing you know."

I poke my head around the bathroom door "No one calls you that."

My mom pretends not hear me and continue to stir the pot she has on the stove. I just laugh and roll my eyes. I continue getting ready by rushing around the house and gathering my things. Then I go back into the kitchen.

"Your name's not even Cassie." I say while grabbing a fruit pie off of the table. I carefully peel back the foil from it and take a bite. The rich tangy flavors filling my mouth.

My mom turns around and props one of her hands on her hip. "You know my name is Cassie."

"Oh yeah it is. Sorry I forget." I mumble around my mouthful of fruit pie.

My mom rolls her eyes and shakes her wooden spoon at me "Girl I should hit you up the side of the head with this spoon, maybe then you'd remember."

I swallow my bite of fruit pie and laugh. " I love you mom."

She chuckles and smiles at me "I love you too baby. Now you better shake a leg and get to work."

"Yes ma'am." I grab the rest of my fruit pie off of the kitchen table and head out the front door.

Outside was the normal scenery of country village life. The shopkeepers tended to their wares, farmers led their livestock to the market, kids played in the streets as usual. I ran to the shop so I wouldn't be later than I already was.

I barrel into the shop out of breath from running nonstop and I speak to my boss "Good morning Mr. Copperfield, sorry I'm late." I manage to say in between my pants.

Mr Copperfield smiled "Oh think nothing of it love. Erin stopped by and told me you'd be running late."

"He did? Well ok." I say slowly while I'm still trying to catch my breath.

Mr. Copperfield laughs "Seems you should catch your breath a little first before you start." He pointed at my work station "I got an order this morning for one of your fine iron swords Essix."

Instantly I brighten up. "Really? Sweet! I'll get right on it!"

I go over to my table and get right to work. I've been doing this job for what seems like forever so the steps for making most anything are engraved in my brain.

First I heat the iron in the furnace, second I place it on the anvil and flatten it into the sword's shape with my hammer, third I soak it in water to harden the iron, fourth I sharpen the blade on the sharpening stone in the corner of the shop, and lastly I polish it so that it has that nice new sword look to it.

I proudly hand my finished sword to Mr. Copperfield. "I feel like this one is my best one so far."

He carefully inspects it in silence which makes me uncomfortable. He turns it over in his hands checking for cracks or warping in the blade.

Finally Mr. Copperfield smiles "You're getting pretty good with this. Soon you'll be a professional blacksmith just like me." He paused and gave one of his big hearty laughs "Maybe one day you'll have your own shop."

I feel the warmth of pride spreading through my body. "Really? You think it's that good?"

Mr. Copperfield hands me back my sword. "Of course dear, I'd never lie to you."

Suddenly one of the neighborhood kids named Flash runs into the shop. He's panting heavily and is out of breath like he's been running for a long time.

Mr. Copperfield instantly stills. I can see concern creasing his face. "What is it boy? You look like you've seen a Night Crawler."

" two...come quick! being invaded!!" Flash manages to get out.

Mr. Copperfield and I exchange surprised glances and quickly go outside into the street.


What's up fellow readers?!

Here's another chapter up! Now the action begins, what do you guys think is invading the village?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter; please remember to vote and comment if you liked it.

Votes and comments make me want to continue to keep writing so please contribute!!

Love ya guys!!

--------ScarletApollo99 😎

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