Chapter 6

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So flash forward a couple of months with me here. Lots has happened. I got initiated into the village army. My mother was so proud of me that she actually started crying. Not sure if I should've been embarrassed or happy to see that.

I got assigned to a branch of the army that deals with defending the village from monster attacks. Now I get to fight all kinds of wicked creatures that try to invade. Although I gotta say, living in a village close to the Jade desert, there's lots of Nightcrawlers. Which just happen to be giant scorpion things...I hate scorpions.

Oh I almost forgot the most important part! Because of my dedication and hard work, they promoted me to be the leader of my division! I can't believe they think I'm that good of a leader and a fighter for that matter.

Erin would be so proud of me. He always said how much he felt that I was destined to save people. Now I get the chance to fulfill his wishes about me. And I won't let him down.


A giant explosion shakes the night. I shoot up out of bed and book it to the kitchen window to see if I can get a better view of what's happening outside. Outside I see flashes of gold light which are followed by more explosions. In the dark silhouetted by the explosions and flames I see the bulk of a group of big black creatures. They each have six legs and a long tail with a sharp venomous barb on the end.

"Great, a group of Nightcrawlers are attacking the village." I say sarcastically while I rub my eyes. "Why does it always gotta be these things? I hate scorpions. And why do they always have to attack at ungodly hours in the morning?" I mumble while going to grab my sword.

I attach my sword to my belt and I'm about to head out the door when behind me...

"Can I come?"

I freeze in my tracks. I turn around and see Tiny looking up at me. "Sorry kiddo, but you know how dangerous Night Crawlers are."

"But I wanna help. Plus I know how much you don't like scorpions, what if one of them scares you too much and you can't fight it off?" Tiny says concerned.

My heart softens at my little brother's concern for me. I bend down so I'm eye level with him "You don't have to worry about me Tiny. No scorpion gets the best of me no matter how creepy they are." I take my hand and ruffle the fur on top of his head "Besides I gotta protect the village. Now stay here and do me a huge favor and protect mom for me while I'm gone alright?"

Tiny flashes me one of his brilliant adorable smiles. "Ok you got it Essix! No one is gonna mess with mom while I'm around!" He tries to make himself look tough.

I can't help but laugh. Then I open the door and step outside. The village is being overrun by Nightcrawlers. The beams they fire from their tails have set fire to part of the village wall and some of the houses. Civilians are trying to find safe places to wait out the invasion and are running around panicked. I see other members of the village army engaged in combat with some Nightcrawlers nearby and I start to make my way over to them.

I barely have time to register the gold beam of light that's shot at me. I dive out of the way just as the ground beside me explodes. I jump back onto my feet and I'm faced with my target. A small looking Nightcrawler. Must be a juvenile based on its size. No matter. They're normally easy to take down.

I draw my sword and rush in for my attack. It jumps out of the way and swings it front claws at me. I have to bring my sword up to keep its claws from snapping my face. I take it back. This one will be a bit of a challenge. It is quick and agile. I have to constantly dodge to avoid being stung by its poison stinger or blown up by its energy beam attack. This is strange because juvenile Night Crawlers are normally just learning how to fight. Something's not right here...

Finally I get an opening. It let its guard down for only a second after a beam attack. That's all I need. I thrust my sword into the unprotected part underneath its neck. The Nightcrawler shrieks and disintegrates into ash.

"Haha yes! Take that you creepy bug!" I say triumphantly.

"Essix what are you doing?! Stop staring at the pile of Night Crawler ashes and come on!"

I straighten and come back to reality. "Uh yes sir right away captain!"

I might be the leader of my division but everyone still answers to the village army captain. When he speaks you listen.

I couldn't dawdle. There are way too many people in danger. There are still Night Crawlers everywhere. I draw my sword and rush into battle. No one destroys my village. It's my home no one will ever take it away from me. Not again.


Little did I know that I was being watched.....

A small robotic fly is buzzing not too far away from where Essix is engaging a Nightcrawler.

Two shady characters hiding a little ways from the front gate of the village are watching the footage from the fly on a small tablet.

"So this is Essix?"

"Yeah so I've heard."

" Hmm. Interesting fighter, great technique, lots of power. You can tell someone trained her well."

"The boss lady was right about this one."

"When we show them this video we'll surely get us a promotion!"

The one holding the tablet looks up at his partner and smirks. "Why only settle for a video when you can have a DNA sample from her?"

He brings up a series of controls on the screen and directs the robo fly to prick Essix and draw some of her blood. Essix would never feel it.

"See I told you it would help to bring my fly drone. Now we have the DNA sample and footage of her. With any luck we'll be handsomely rewarded for this effort."

"I know it's so exciting!! Can't wait to see what we're gonna get when we return." His partner is glowing with happiness about his reward.

His partner smacks him. "Hey stop daydreaming! You can do that when we're on the way back. We got what we need, now let's get out of here before we're spotted! And I don't want to find out what they'll do to us if they find us."


Hey guys!!

So were you guys expecting Essix to be the head honcho? Exciting right?

Well as always please vote and comment!! Help me want to write!!

See ya!!

-------ScarletApollo99 😏

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