Chapter 4

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The rest of my day was terrible. I just sit around in silence, mainly still numb from grief. Currently my whole family is taking up temporary residence in Mr. Copperfield's  shop because one of those blasted rock monsters smashed our house. Not only did they kill my brother they destroyed the one place I go to get peace from work and the world. Just fantastic luck I have.

Other people around the village found out about Erin's death and came to see me. Most of them I didn't know. Most of them were like "Oh I'm sorry for your loss." Yes, that's exactly what you say to someone who's upset!

Then Mrs. C drops by. I can see the sympathy on her face as she hobbles into the store. Mrs. C may be getting old, but in her prime I was told she was a very skilled warrior herself. Erin would visit her all the time and help out with things she needed done around the house.

She comes over to me and I get up. She places her hands on my shoulders "Oh Essix...I am truly sorry sweetheart." She then pulls me in for a hug.

She took me by surprise with the hug but honestly it felt so comforting I just embrace it and lean into it. I've been with Erin to her house before and she always is the sweetest.

"Thank you Mrs. C." I murmur.

She lets me go and smiles. "Of course dear. You and Erin always have been my favorites."

After a while Mom and Tiny left to go see about getting someone to repair our like rebuild our house. Mrs. C stays so it's just me, her, and Mr. Copperfield left in the store.

Mr. Copperfield comes over  and sits down beside me "Are you alright Essix?"

I try to inconspicuously wipe the tears off of my face "Yeah I'm fine."

He looks at me with an unconvincing look.

I sigh. "No, not really."

Mr. Copperfield places a firm but gentle hand on my shoulder "It's ok to cry love. I know what it's like to lose someone."

I look up at him "You do?"

"Yes." He speaks softly and withdraws his hand from my shoulder sitting back against the wall "My wife." I see a quick flash of pain cross Mr. Copperfield's eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry I upset you!" I reply quickly.

"No it's alright. Sometimes it's ok to remember the bad things as long as you remember how you overcame them." Mr Copperfield replies.

"That is...very good advice." I say.

Then he turns to me "You're not alone in this Essix. Your family needs you right now and you need them."

"Yes dear you're never alone as long as you have friends and family to back you up." Mrs. C adds with one of her sweet smiles.

" two give really good advice." I say while wiping some more tears out of my eyes.

I glance at my feet and see what looks like Erin's sword lying there. I pick it up "I was sure I left this by Erin, how did it get here?"

"Did Erin say anything about blessings before he died?" Mr. Copperfield asks curiously.

"Umm yeah I think he did. "Why, is that important?" I say.

"Try drawing the sword from the holster." Mr Copperfield replies.

"Uh..ok..." I took the sword in my hand and pull it from the holster. It lights up the whole shop with a golden light.

Mrs. C gasps. "Sunfall...I can't believe it!"

"Just as I suspected." Mr Copperfield says awed.

"What is it? Is there something wrong with it?!" I panic and drop it. Their reactions have me worried.

"No Essix there's nothing wrong with it." Mr. Copperfield laughs.

"Well then what's the big deal then?" I ask.

"That sword your brother carried is named Sunfall. It was rumored to have belonged to Onyx herself." Mrs. C says.

"Whoah are you serious?! As in THE Onyx?!" I exclaim. I look down at the sword and pick it up. It shimmers as if it agrees with what Mrs. C said.

Suddenly a thought came to me out of the blue. "Hey Mr Copperfield, is it possible for me to be in the Village army?"

Mr Copperfield looks surprised. "What gave you that idea?!"

I look back down at the sword in my hand again. "I-I'm not sure...I just got this deep urge to do it."

Mrs. C smiles "Ah it seems Erin is trying to tell you something Essix."

Mr. Copperfield looks worried. "You know how hard it is to pass the entrance test for the village army right?"

"I know. Erin trained for two years to prepare for it." I reply.

Mrs. C comes over to me. She pokes Mr. Copperfield in the side with her walking stick. "Hush up now with the intimidation!"

Mr. Copperfield grunts from the sharp stab of the walking stick in his side. He looks away from us as if embarrassed because Mrs. C just scolded him.

She turns to me and smiles at me. "I know you can pass that test. You are destined for greatness Essix. I always knew but today you proved that when you saved me from that horrible creature."

I look down and tightly clench my fists. "But how can you say that when I couldn't even save Erin?"


The serious tone in Mrs. C's voice makes me look back up.

"What happened to him wasn't your fault. He died a hero protecting what he loved." She pauses and her expression softens. She uses her walking stick to point to my heart "You have the ability to be the best warrior in the village. I can sense it. Erin sensed it too. That's why he trained so hard to be the best he could be. He wanted to be a great influence on you."

I couldn't help the tears that fell from my eyes. Erin was looking out for me from the very beginning. Even now after he's dead. It's time I do the same for him.


What up homies?

Hope the chapter was good! I tried to make it very emotional.

I am a big nerd and me and @AshCat15 went to see the Power Rangers movie that just came out today. It was awesome!! I highly recommend everyone go see it!!
Alright I promise I'm done nerding out....for now

I love you guys for your support and I'll catch you guys later!!

------ScarletApollo99 🐯

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