Real Smooth

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Jack had been going to the gym regularly for a while now, working out with his friend Spot. They'd spot each other while lifting weights, chat between sets, and exchange workout tips. He was lifting dumbbells in a bicep curl when someone opened the door to the gym, walking in. Naturally his eyes shifted to the location of the sound and he froze, dropping the heavy weight on his foot.

"SON OF A-MMMMM" he exclaimed, holding his foot. Spot instantly dropped his own weights to the floor, mindful of his own feet, and rushed to his side. "You okay Jacky?" he asked, concern covering his face. He hissed as he set his foot back down, "Yeah, I'm okay." His eyes still lingered on the man who had just entered: he was tall with a skinny build, dark hair, really beautiful. He seemed to be in his own world, listening to his music as he put his bag in a locker. Spot followed his gaze, lips quirking up. "Don't ogle too much, wouldn't wanna make a fool outta yourself. Oh wait, you already have."

"Shut up," Jack grumbled. "Now will ya make yourself useful an' spot me while I bench press?"

Jack got in two sets of twenty before the guy made his way over to him. Jack set the weights on the rack and sat up. "Excuse me, did it hurt?" the young man asked.

Jack gave a charming smile, leaning against the bar, "What? When I fell from heaven?"

"No, when you dropped that weight on your foot, it looked heavy." Jack's face lit up immediately and Spot covered his mouth with a hand, trying to muffle his laughter. He turned away, pretending to fiddle with a machine. Jack could only manage to squeak out, "It hurt a little." He offered a gentle smile, lightly hitting Jack on the arm, "Alright, take it easy, wouldn't want to hurt yourself even more." Jack was left speechless, but inside he was screaming.


The next day when they went to the gym, he was determined he wouldn't embarrass himself. He was Jack Kelly! Handsome, suave, charming, strong, definitely not a flustered idiot who couldn't compose himself.

"So what're ya gonna do if you see your boyfriend again today?" Spot teased, nudging his arm. Jack shook him off, "I'm gonna act normal, an' if you do anything I will literally decapitate you." Spot held his hands up in defense, "Yikes, alright I won't do anything that might ruin your chances." Jack shot him a look and Spot chuckled, setting his bag in his locker. "Don't look now but here he comes.

"Where?!" Jack practically yelled, turning around with wide eyes. When no one was there he turned to his laughing friend, "Oh fuck you."


Jack and Spot had been at the gym for about 30 minutes before he walked in. Jack was currently jogging on the treadmill, watching as went by. Then his legs started going faster, and he had to grab the bars to keep from falling off. Spot gave him a shit eating grin, taking his hand away and left Jack's treadmill on the highest setting. Still holding on, Jack lowered the setting back to normal, flipping off his friend and reaching over to his machine, cranking the incline so that Spot was practically sprinting at an 80 degree angle.

Spot had a tougher time staying on than Jack did, but managed to get the machine back to the right settings. Jack finished up running, wiping it down with a sanitary wipe and grabbing a towel to drape across his neck. He made his way over to where the guy was seated doing curl ups. Jack mustered up one of his most charming smiles, "Is it hot in here, or is it just you?" He gave a thoughtful look before responding, "No, it's a bit humid.

Jack ran a hand down his face. He was persistent and wouldn't let this get in the way. He was by far the cutest guy he had ever seen, and he was crushing hard. "Let me rephrase that," he said, leaning against the wall in a casual manner, "How's the hottest guy in the gym today?"

He furrowed his brows before a look of realization washed over his face, followed by a shy smile aimed at the ground, quickly met up with a smirk as he looked directly at Jack, "I don't know, how are you?" The smooth calmness left Jack immediately, and his legs buckled slightly. Good thing he was leaning against a wall. "I-uh-um I, I'm fIne, ahem, fine," he stammered out. Why was he acting like this? He was usually much more articulate. He guessed it was because he was so often the one flirting, that no one ever flirted back. He had no idea how to react. He was screwed.


The next time Jack went to the gym, he was sure he had died and gone to heaven. The boy was wearing loose fitting sweat pants and a homemade tank top made by cutting out large holes where the sleeves should be. God he could practically see his entire torso. He couldn't stop staring, and he was afraid he was starting to take notice. As he was admiring him from across the gym, the other looked up, catching Jack stare. He smiled at him and winked and Jack was gone.

"Hello, earf ta Jack! Get your head outta fantasy land an' make sure I don't drop this on my chest!" Jack shook his head, coming back into reality and placing his hands under the bar. After Spot was done, Jack made his way over. He was preparing to do pull ups and boy, would Jack pay to see that. He decided he'd just linger around for a moment: use some nearby machines while he let the nice man finish his sets. Once he seemed done, Jack walked up to him, "Excuse me sir, but this gym isn't open carry, so I'm gonna have to ask ya to put dem guns away." Yes. Way to go Kelly! That was smooth. That was SO smooth. You are the king of smooth. That was smoother than butter on ice on a hot day. That was-

"Why? You don't seem to be putting yours away and they're much bigger than mine," he said, leaning against the pull up bar. FUCK.

Jack stood there, mouth agape. He could tell he was blushing. He looked at the ground, unable to help the dopey grin that he knew was plastered on his face. The other guy smiled at him, "The name's Davey."

He looked up, smiling as he gazed into his eyes, "Jack. What'd ya say you give me your number, and we can hang out some time."

He smiled at him, "I'd say that's the most you've said to me without stuttering." Jack's cheeks lit up and he let out a small nervous giggle. "I'd also say yes."

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