Uncle Barry is Such an Electron Today

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Marielle's POV

The War Meeting at the cafeteria was very long. Of course, legacies weren't allowed there but they did introduce us to the newcomers. We also saw the pairing list which seemed very foolproof. I felt nervous. I want to fight but I'm stuck with Luna and we, according to the plan, are supposed to run away and hide so that if our parents do perish, their legacies are still alive. I cannot believe that uncle Barry, the most positive person I have ever met, would think of such negative thing.

I packed all of my belongings and kissed my dorm room goodbye., At least I won't have to be beside Jessie's room anymore where loud music blasts from all night.

Hmmm. I will miss the food here in the school...

Moving on, I put my phone in the pocket of my jeans and ran outside, and bumped into a dude who if I recall correctly, was named Ace. He was the son of Killer Frost and he has ice powers.

"Watch where you're going nerd!" he yelled.

I rolled my eyes. I wanted to punch that douche in his face but now is not a good time. The school is on the verge of war with villains and me punching a douche in the face will not help at all.

I continued to run to the cafeteria where everyone was getting ready.

If I could use one word to describe the cafeteria right now, that word would be chaotic. Boards and papers were everywhere and everyone was just doing their own thing.

Then I woke up.


Hiiiiiiii! Sorry for the cliffhanger though. Although it was always my plan to make it a dream... Don't worry! Just follow the flow...  ;) ;) 



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