I am Bulletproof

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"Ellie, Luna and Jonas, please be careful," mom said.
"We will," I replied.
"Goodluck." dad said.
I nooded.
We all knew what the plan was. Now, we had to follow it.

I arrived at the academy by flying. Jonas was using a flight ring, like his mom's. Luna used her super speed.

I could see the academy, and villains were surrounding it. They were also attacking it.

I landed along with the rest of my family.

Soon, everyone else arrived.

"Well, well, well, you guys came." Harley Quinn said. She aimed her gun at me, and fired it.

The bullet bounced back. Guess she didn't know I inherited my parents' powers.

That shot, apparantly, signified the start of this battle.
Everyone started to charge.

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