Impulse To Write

164 5 22

Sometime during the Valm War. Anna

"Hey, Say'ri? Can you tell me more about Cho'sin's culture?"

"Aye, milady. It would be my honor,"

I've been learning more and more about the country of Cho'sin due to Say'ri's teachings. I have learned so much already! Their dress, tea, foods, and art. As the Queen of Ylisse, I felt that it was important to find out more about other lands in case I needed to go to a diplomatic meeting with my husband.

"Perhaps you would like to hear of our ways of writing?" Say'ri suggested.

I perked up at the idea. "Oh, yes! Of course! I'd love that!" I exclaimed.

Say'ri chuckled and sat down on a log, pulling out a scroll and a stick of coal. The sun was already setting, so we probably won't have much time to write before it gets dark. "Is there any particular form you would like to learn about?" she asked.

I thought for a moment. Hmm... I already know how to write novels and war documents...I wonder if those are any different? Perhaps I could learn a different form?

", well... Is there anything you suggest?" I asked.

"Well, would you like to learn about our forms of poetry?"

"That sounds perfect!" I smiled.

Say'ri chuckled and prepared her scroll. "Well, we like to use a form of poetry called 'haiku,'" she said. "'Tis a kind of poetry that requires a certain amount of syllables. Five in the first line, seven in the second, and then five at the end."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "That sounds complicated to remember..." I sighed.

"Fie, milady," she argued. "'Tis very easy to remember. Now, haikus are usually written about nature or sometimes feelings. Is there anything you would like to write about?"

"Umm...can you think of one about flowers or something?" I asked nervously.

Say'ri closed her eyes and thought for a moment. "Blowing in the wind/Lush and quiet they may be/Sweet smell on the breeze."

I stared wide-eyed at her. "Wow... That's impressive!" I exclaimed. "Although, it doesn't really make sense."

Say'ri opened her eyes at me. "Aye. But poetry doesn't need to make sense, doesn't it?" she smirked.

I let out a breath of a laugh. "True enough..."

She handed the scroll and coal. "Now you try, milady."

I nervously took the items. "B-but I don't know how! I'll definitely fail!" I complained.

Say'ri chuckled. "You needn't be perfect at something to try it," she said. "Please, just let your heart guide your words."

Let my heart guide my words...

"...Quick beats in my heart/Whenever I'm around you/I know I'm in love..."

The words just kind of came out of my mouth and onto the paper without my consent. I looked back to Say'ri, who was smiling widely. "See, milady? You are already quite talented at this!" she praised me. "I take it that that was about Sir Chrom?"

I blushed and looked down. "Well, who else would it be about? We're married for the gods' sake!" I laughed.

"But you were clearly thinking of your early relationship before you were wed, were you not?" she asked.

I fidgeted with my hands. "...Yes... That was the first thing that came to my mind..." I whispered.

Say'ri placed a hand on my shoulder. "Milady, are you alright? Your mood seemed to have just changed?"

"...Shallow and hollow/Is how I fell without you/Why must you steer away?"


"Ah!" I shook my head. "N-never mind! I was just...having memories of Chrom and I's budding relationship... That's all..."

Say'ri nodded and looked up to the orange sky. "Aye... Would you like to continue with writing poetry, today?"

I smiled at her. "Of course. I'd love to."

We continued to recite haikus to one another until the sun fully set.


I saw this prompt to be the perfect opportunity to have Say'ri in it! Love her! Anyways...XD. I also wanted an excuse to write my favorite style of poetry right after free form...haikus! I've written so many XD. Thank you so much for reading, and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: May 27th, Chrom's birthday

Currently listening to: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Set it Off

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