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We've always dreamed about the perfect life, perfect figure, perfect smile, perfect test, perfect girlfriend or boyfriend. We are so obsessed with being perfect, we forgot about our flaws and imperfections. But to me, she is the definition of perfectly imperfect to me.

The moment I looked into her eyes, time stops.

The moment I kissed her lips, hearts hops.

Cliché? I guess she made me this way.

Turned my hazy night into day.

What changes a person exactly? A change of heart? Bitterness over something that scarred you for the rest of your life?

How can a person change? When you hold something dark within your past?

Millions of questions, gushing out

Answers unanswered

Everything changes.

For a reason and for a purpose.

In this changing world, she remains the way she is.

All happened in a bliss.

I guess I just answered my question. People change, indeed. But they don't change because of bitterness, depression or a change of heart. They change because of.....



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