★彡Chapter Four★彡

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3rd PhoneCall



"Did you get my gift yet?"

"Yeah! But I have to wait to go to school and open it. Did you get mine?"

"Yeah! I have to wait for my class to open it too!"

"I'm going to miss you Noya-Kun, we have to wait 2 days to talk to each other again!" (y/n) said, the sadness apparent in her voice.



"Huh? Oh, I'm still here... I was just wondering... what will we do when this unit is over?"

"We will still keep in touch of course! Oh, I have to go now, I have to eat dinner! Bye!"


Nishinoya hung up and smiled softly while walking back to his classroom. He loved (y/n)'s enthusiasm about everything. She became more important to him every time they talked. Every day he longed for geography class to see what (y/n) had given him.

   Back in America, (y/n) finished eating dinner, and she laid in the bed and stared at the ceiling, think of the only and only Noya-Kun. His gift to her sat at her desk, and (y/n) took up most of her energy resisting herself from ripping open the neatly wrapped gift.

   The next day

   (Y/n) sat in her chair anxiously, waiting for the teacher to tell them to open their gifts.

   "Okay! You may open your present!" Said the teacher. (Y/n) and all of her peers tore open their packages, and (y/n) gasped at what she saw.

   "Oh my gosh!!!!" Squealed (y/n). Inside was a new edition of a Shonen Jump magazine, that came with a poster and a keychain of her favorite Naruto character. She also picked up a small bag that had 3 types of Japanese candy inside. There was also a note, which was written in messy handwriting

   'Dear my lovely (y/n),
I wasn't that sure what to give you, and it was quite a hard decision, and I finally found out what to give you when I walked by a manga store! I hope you like this gift, and enjoy the candy!!!
Love, Noya-Kun.'

   (Y/n) hugged the magazine tightly to her chest and sighed heavily, blushing heavily and being touched by the letter.

   'I hope he likes my gift....' she thought with a smile.

   In Japan, it was finally geography class for the 2nd years, and Nishinoya was pretty much bouncing in his seat.

   "I can't wait to open my gift!!!" He said in his loud voice.

"Me too!!!" screeched Tanaka, who was also bouncing in his seat.

With a heavy sigh, the teacher glared at her students.

"Fine. You may now open your gifts," she said, smirking at their excited faces.

All around the classroom, all you could hear was the ripping of paper and opening of boxes. Inside Noya's was a small box. Inside, was a small silver necklace, that had a pendant shaped like a lock. There were also some random Legos inside. Noya clipped the necklace around his neck and picked up the small letter inside the box.

   'Dear Noya-Kun,
   I hope you are doing well! I hope the necklace I gave you isn't too girly, but I thought the concept of it was cute. You have the lock part of the necklace, and I have the key! If we ever meet each other, the lock will go in the key, showing our friendship. And the legos are from my little brother, who thought you were really cool.
             Talk to you later! ~(y/n)'

   Tears sparkle at the edge of Noya's eyes. How could (y/n) be so pure! He stroked the pendant and smiled with a blush. He put the necklace around his neck and tucked it under his shirt.

   'I should add these legos to my collection!' Noya thought.

   Nishinoya wore the necklace all the time, and so did (y/n). She also kept her keychain with her purse, so she wouldn't lose it.

   Are (y/n) and Noya meant to be?


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