★彡Chapter Twelve★彡

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It's been two months since the miracle happened. (Y/n) and Nishinoya's story stunned the doctors, and the rest of the world as well. After (Y/n) got discharged from the hospital, news got around about what happened, and she got interviewed by the local news station, and it eventually went up to national news.

The same was with Noya, who as soon as he heard the good news, he rushed to his mom, placed his arms on her shoulders and shook her violently.

"She remembers!!!" he said, bouncing up and down, a wide smile on his face. When he got to school the next day, he shared what happened with literally everyone, and Japan gained a good news story as well.

Even after the PhoneCall unit, the two teens contacted each other on a daily basis. It was a shame that they haven't confessed to each other yet.

Yū received a $1000 award for helping the doctors make a major medical breakthrough about memory loss. He decided to use some of it to go to the US, to surprise (Y/n) for her birthday. He got her parents and friends on the surprise too.

It was finally the day of her birthday, and Noya got to America at 4:00 PM, which was 5:00 AM in Japan. Luckily, he slept through most of the flight and drank two cups of coffee so he could stay awake for her.

Noya knocked on the door of the address that (Y/n)'s parents sent him, and her parents exchanged a glance. (Y/n) didn't seem to notice, and continued chatting with Kay, her best friend. Mrs. (L/n) tapped Kay's shoulder twice, which meant that they had to start the plan.

"(Y/n)! We all have a present for you!!" Kay chirped, quickly tying a blindfold around her eyes. Remembering some of the prank videos she watched, she grimaced.

"It better not be a scorpion," she muttered.

Mr. (L/n) opened the door for Nishinoya. He patted him on the back and exchanged a quick nod. Mrs. (L/n) led him and told him to sit in a pink box with a blue ribbon on top. Nishinoya saw (Y/n) sitting before him, totally oblivious to what was happening now. He wanted to jump up and kiss her right now, but he knew this was the best way. Before closing the box, he gazed at (Y/n), taking in her real beauty. She looked more beautiful than he ever had imagined.

He closed the box and sat inside patiently.

"Happy Birthday (Y/n)!!!!!" Everybody yelled. (Y/n) pulled off her blindfold and right on cue, Nishinoya jumped out of the box, spreading his arms out wide.

"Oh my gosh. Is that really him?" she stuttered. Tears streamed out of her eyes, and she jumped onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist. Her tears flowed freely and onto his shirt.

"You're more beautiful than I ever imagined, (Y/n)," he whispered, only so she could hear. she was full out bawling, saying "Thank You" and "Oh my gosh" over and over again. (Y/n) jumped off of him but her grip on him remained.

"I'm keeping you," she said, causing the rest of them to laugh. Nishinoya pried her hands off of him and whispered in her ear.

"I need to tell you something, can we go somewhere... private?" said Noya, his cheeks a burning red. (Y/n) nodded forgetting about her family and friends and led him up to her room. Not that her parents minded, though. They knew that she needed and deserved some time with him. (Y/n) sat on her bed and motioned for Noya to sit next to her. He plopped down and immediately wrapped an arm around her neck and gave her the most dazzling smile. (Y/n) returned the smile, and kissed him passionately, making the two fall down on the bed. Noya pulled away, his arm still around her neck.

"I've wanted to do that for so long. (Y/n), I really do love you. So much," he whispered.

"I love you too, Yū. More than words can tell," she replied. During their next kiss, they were interrupted by a particular little munchkin...

"Can we have cake now- AHHH EWWWW," screamed Han, running away, covering his eyes. You pulled away quickly and blushed brightly, turning away from Noya.

"Oh gosh... Sorry about him," (Y/n) muttered. Noya just laughed and brought her into his arms.

"We'll continue this later," he chuckled," now let's have cake!!!" he said, carrying the (h/c) haired girl out of the bedroom.

To believe it all started with a simple Phone Call, who knew their love could break down so many boundaries?

w: 771

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