★彡Chapter Ten★彡

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Seventh PhoneCall

It became Tuesday, the fifth day since Nishinoya and (y/n)'s last PhoneCall. Nishinoya was itching in his seat, waiting for the said girl to call him. After 10 minutes, she still hadn't called him, so Nishinoya decided to take the matter to himself.

"May I be excused? For my PhoneCall?" he asked, his hand raised high. The teacher gave him a brisk nod, and he rushed out of the classroom, and hurriedly tapping (y/n)'s contact name.

(Y/n) was still at the hospital. She suffered a head injury and laid in bed, currently unconscious. Before she got in the car, she forgot her phone at home. The only people at her house was her little brother and her grandparents, who were watching over her brother. While (y/n)'s brother was playing with his legos, he heard the familiar tone of (y/n)'s favorite anime opening. Curious, he went into the room to see her phone vibrating, the name Yū <3 flashing.

"Who are you?" answered (Y/n)'s brother. Noya was startled to hear the rather squeaky male voice at the other end. He figured it must've been her brother who answered

"I'm (Y/n)'s friend, Nishinoya. The guy you gave Legos to!" he said with a chuckle.

"That's cool! My name is Han," he answered," (y/n)'s not at home right now, she's at the hospital." When Nishinoya heard that, his heart skipped a beat.

"W-What?! What happened? Is she okay?!" he questioned, firing questions at him like rapid fire.

"She and my mom got in a car crash. She's unconscious, but my mom is ok," replied Han, flopping onto (y/n)'s bed, his legs dangling off the side.

"Uwahh!! That's horrible! I really do hope she's okay!" said Nishinoya, tears brimming at his eyes.

"Yeah. I know she will be fine. Her brain is just taking a rest. That's what my grandma said," said Han, the innocence reeking out of his voice. Noya couldn't help but chuckle.

"Of course! Now then, I need to go and get back to class. It was nice meeting you, Han," said Nishinoya, and he then hung up. Han gave the phone one last look and then went back to playing with his Legos. Nishinoya slumped against the wall, feeling super worried for (Y/n).

He walked back to the classroom, his head hung low, and sat back in his seat. Once his math class ended, he got up at left without a word, which was very unusual for the usual spunky boy.

"Yū!!!! Cheer up! We have volleyball practice today! You need to whip up Asahi into shape!" yelled Tanaka, during lunch, slapping Noya on the back

"Cool," said Noya, picking at his noodles and meat, not scarfing it down like usual. Who knew that if something happened to (y/n) it would've devastate Noya. Not even Tanaka could cheer him up.

It was the same during volleyball practice as well. Noya missed more than half of his receives, making Daichi yell at him to run laps. Tanaka informed Sugawara about Noya's mood, and it worried the older setter. Sugawara approached Daichi and whispered in his ear.

"Nishinoya's PhoneCall partner got hurt in a car crash. Y'know, the one who gave him the necklace," he said. Daichi froze and then gave a stern nod to Suga.

"He'll be fine. Both him and the girl will be fine," said Daichi, giving Sugawara a reassuring pat on the back.

On the way back home from practice, Noya even skipped out from getting Pork Buns with the team. Tanaka accompanied him along the way, placing an arm around him.

"I hope she'll be okay," he muttered.

"Don't worry, she will be," said Tanaka.

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