Makeup The Time Lost

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Jack's POV
It was odd, when I rang the doorbell Mark was already there and Emma seemed to have been shocked since she wasn't talking... really at all...

They directed me up to her room and I laughed softly. The house was pretty and not the stereotypical version of a popular girls house.

"Okay so you're getting me dolled up or whatever... then we just keep this on forever?" I laughed a little, but she didn't seem to find it amusing. Instead she just shook her head... why was she so quiet now?

"Emma?" I said softly and then she closed the door, obviously a bit tired. That's okay it happens... I've just never seen her like this.

"Jack were going to a party..." Emma said, he accent must've got a pair of legs and walked off. She wasn't southern....

"Emma it's ten, surely there's no-"

"Chloe, she's having a party. You're going to show up and we'll take it from there." I looked over at Mark as Emma talked. I was surely going to get made fun of... oh well... it's not like it didn't happen in Ireland.

"Alright let's get this over with." I sighed and sat down on the chair in front of what looked like, a makeup mirror.

"Mark, play some music please." Emma said as she unzipped her makeup kit.

Mark went over to a bluetooth stereo and started playing some songs, it was a mix between Twenty Øne Pilots, One Republic and Sia. Also a few other songs.

Chandelier was playing (by Sia) and I laughed as the chorus played and I shouted, "IM GOING TO SWING, FROM THE CHANDELIER-" Emma laughed and I opened my eyes, she was currently doing my eyeshadow.

I was about to look over at Mark before she grabbed my shoulders and said, "no he can't see you until I've finished." I chuckled a little then closed my eyes.

"So Emma, you've got any love interest at all?" I laughed a little, trying to make conversation. I may not be the most gossip dude, but I like to know what's up with my friends.

"Well I like this dude named Ryan." Emma said shrugging. I smiled, good to know.

"Emma, what's his last name?" I heard Mark say in a kind of lower tone... weird... maybe he was just curious.

"O'haren" I heard a curse under Mark's breath as Emma said his last name. Wait I knew a Ryan O'haren... he was the... the jerk..

"Jack, open your eyes, I've gotta do your mascara." Emma said and I heard the brush be put away. I opened my eyes and sighed. It couldn't be the one I knew... he was back in Ireland.

"Tell me about him..." I felt the brush against my long eyelashes and I looked up to keep myself from crying. The more I thought about Ryan, the more emotional I got.

"Well he's tall, he's got really nice brown eyes, soft brown hair. He's a transfer student imagine that!" I felt a tear go down my eyes as I thought back to our relationship. The horror.

"Jack you okay?" I nodded my head a little, so it wouldn't ruin the makeup.

"Yeah just I think something got in my eye... not use to this y'know?" I was probably the worst fibber ever.

"Alright well I'm almost done. We'll get you a pastel pink sweater and some ripped jeans. That sound good?" Emma asked and I nodded again lightly.

"Okay we're going to be done soon, just hold on tight."

"Yeah, okay."

After about fifteen minutes of my eyebrows getting perfected and eyeliner and lipstick she finally let me look in the mirror. I blinked a few times. Was this really me? I looked different... I mean a good different I think. Black eyelashes, red lipstick, my cheekbones prominent, my brown hair swept to the side a little. It looked good.

"Okay judge; you may look now!" She turned my chair around and I saw Mark. His mouth hung open and I felt myself blush a little. I probably look dumb or something...

"Okay, let's get going. Don't want you to go screwing up his lipstick and I'd hate to use my contouring makeup to get rid of any hickeys." Emma jokes and got up as Mark and I both blushed subtly.

"Emma, we haven't done that yet. We've barely made out." I whispered kind of embarrassed. I took things slowly, it hasn't even been two months, let alone a month! Not that I'd be complaining...

"Alright nerds get in your car and maybe mess around a bit. I want your confidence up to a ten Jack. Mark, you better help in that sense." Then Emma left to her car and I blushed.

"Okay, also here." She turned to her closet and grabbed a sweater and some ripped jeans.

"I'm going to the car. Mark you can drive yourselves over. I'll send the address." Emma winked at us then left and I had permanent blush on.

Once the door shut Mark patted his lap with a smirk and Cheap Thrills started to play.

We might be a tad bit late to the party...

A/N OOOOOH!! It's getting heated! Next chapter is a bit of smut so beware and in two chapters it may be pure smut so if you don't like that be prepared to skip a few pieces of stuff.

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