Once Upon A Time there was a ^Fox^, that foxes name was Leo. Leo would wonder around the Forrest day after day to find the Family that had to leave him behind because of a Forrest fire, Leo was just a little baby when it happened. He's been searching for his Family for a while now, He's had things like bears attack him but that never stopped him.
Leo was always alone, Never got close to anyone. One day, he found a town... it wasn't a normal town, it was a town for animals. it had animals with clothes on, had them driving cars. It's was like a human town, just for animals.
Leo walked towards the town entrants and sat on a bench. 'What is this place?' He thought. A car went by and Leo got splashed with water, his ears went down and his eyes widened.
'What is this place?' He thought again, Leo ran to a place called Wal-Fur. He went inside and ran into the men's bathroom. "What is this! Am I going crazy..?" He asked himself until he soon saw himself in the mirror. he stood up on his two back paws and touch his face with his front paws. "I'm going crazy.. yeah that's it... I'll go sleep in my cave then when morning comes and I'll wake up I'll start my daily Routine, by looking for my Family" he said confidently. He then realized that he was somehow looking at himself through this magic wall.
He fell back from how scared he was. He fell on a man "could you get off my tail?" the man asked. "Oh, sorry.." Leo said is a low soft voice. "Fox.." the man said, Leo looked at the man, "W-Wolf!" Leo yelled.
Leo was walking backwards and soon enough he was up against the wall. The wolf bit all Four of Leo's legs making Leo not able to walk. He soon had some of his other wolf friends help pick Leo up. One picked Leo up by his neck and the others were holding him up by his legs.
They took him to a cave and threw him down onto the floor, "Masters not going to be very happy.." One of the wolfs said, "Foxes aren't allowed here, of course, he's not going to be happy" Another one yelled. "Should we get the Princess?" One asked. After the wolf asked that they ran off.
Leo kept trying to stand up but he couldn't, "Take it to the cage" Leo heard a woman say. Soon after she said that they picked Leo up again and threw him into a cage. Days went by and Leo didn't eat, he didn't move, he just laid there. "How long do you think he'll last?" a guard asked, "I think He'll die soon" Another one laughed, "Serves him right, Foxes don't belong here. They don't belong anywhere!" The guard Laughed more.
Leo's eyes started to water, he curled up into a ball and started to cry. "Oh look, he moved" | "Is it even a boy, though?" | "What do you mean?" | "We never checked to see if it was a boy or girl, its voice did sound a little girl-ish" | "Should we check?"
Leo's heart started pounding loudly when he heard them say those things. He soon heard the cage door being opened. He still laid there, he didn't move while the guards checked. All he could do was cry.
A few weeks went by and Leo was so skinny that you can see his bones. "Is that master coming down?" A guard asked, "Yes it is!" Another one yelled. Leo tried to look up but he was so weak that he couldn't move. "Why isn't the fox eating?" The guy called master asked in a very gentle voice "He chose not to so we just stopped feeding him" A guard said. The wolf called Master opened the cage door, he put food beside Leo and laid down next to Leo. "I won't leave until you eat" He said in a soft gentle voice. Leo was shocked, he didn't know what to do, so he tried constantly to get up. The wolf helped Leo get up, "eat" Master said.
After that, The wolf called master would sit beside Leo until he ate, every day. (Leo's weight went back to normal.. just a heads up! Keep reading!!)
"Master, The princess is getting very upset because she doesn't see you anymore" A maid said. The wolf called master walked out of the cage and went up to see the princess. "I said its over" The master yelled, "What did I do for you to be this way?" The princess asked, "I just don't love you anymore" Master said bluntly, "Ravi! don't walk away from me!" The princess yelled, Master just walked out of the Cave.
Leo's fur was dirty, it was Brown-ish from the dirt. "Am I allowed to take a bath?" Leo asked one of the guards, The guard looked at a maid, "Me?" She asked. the guard nodded. The maid took Leo to a water fall, "There love, you can bathe here" She said kindly. "So is everybody here a wolf?" Leo asked as he climbed into the water. "Not everybody. in the cave yes but in the Town, there are all kinds of animals, even animals the humans don't know about" the Maid answered. "Why do you wolfs hate us foxes so much?" Leo asked as he swam through the water.
"Many years ago there was a war between foxes and Rabbits, The wolfs liked to eat the Rabbits so they became angry at the foxes, ever since then foxes and Wolfs hated each other" The maid explained. "But how can that be true? my father was a wolf" Leo asked. The maid stared at Leo in fear. "You mean... You're the half-breed?" She asked, as she cowered in fear.
Next chapter will be out soon but please give me time, I'll try to update every other day but no promises.
Message me if you have any ideas of astory you want and I'll work on it.
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