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They all looked to Leo. "Why?" Ravi asked. "Because, While I was a human I played the piano... I kind of fell in love with the piano and want to play it..." Leo explained.


"I just... want to..." Leo looked down to his paws. Ravi looked at Rose and nodded. Rose sighed. "Listen, I have a few roses left that can turn you back into a human but, these roses aren't like the other one, these will permanently make you a human" She said. Leo looked at her. "Permanently?" He asked. She just nodded. Wook went over to Rose and sat on her lap. "Why is everyone such cranky butts?" She asked, making a pouty face. "U-Um... W-We're um..." Rose started to say but, couldn't finish. "We're not cranky, we're figuring things out" Ravi said. "Thank you" Rose said. "Oh, well, why don't you ask him instead of figuring things out without his thoughts about it?" Wook suggested, not knowing what she's talking about. Ravi looked at Leo, who is looking down at his paws. "What do YOU want?" He asked. "I-I want to be a human..." Leo said. Ravi looked to Rose. "Meet me by the waterfall in the middle of the park, it doesn't matter what time because I'll be there all day" Rose said. Wook stood up and let Rose get up. Rose stood up and walked out of the room, heading to her bedroom.

She shut her bedroom door and slid down it. 'Why is my heart beating so fast...' She thought.


Leo looked at Ravi. "I-I need to lay down..." He said. "Alright, let's go" Ravi said. They went to Roses room and scratched on the door. Rose opened it. "Yes?" She questioned. "Can Leo lay down?" Ravi asked. "Yes, of course. Are you feeling alright?" Rose asked. "I'm just dizzy" Leo said. "Alright, well I guess we can move the park thing to tomorrow, sound good?" Sh asked. "Yeah..." Leo said, then walked over to the pink dog bed and laid down.

'..wake up...'

Leo closed his eyes and started to think of him as a human.

'WAKE UP!! Don't fall asleep!'


Leo shot up out of bed. He was sweating and breathing heavily.

He's been having these dreams for a while now, every night it continues like a new chapter of a book.

He works at a business as an assistant. His bosses name is Rose and her girlfriend's name is Wook. His two best friends names are Ken and Hyuk, Their boyfriend's names are N and Hongbin. There's a delivery boy named Ravi that delivers boxes of their product. He secretly has a crush on Leo and Leo sometimes glances at the delivery boy but, he can't help it, the delivery boy just makes his heart beat so much.


Leo got up out of bed and showered, then put some clothes on and headed out to his job.

When he got there he went and made Rose some coffee, then took it to her.

"Thank you, Leo" She smiled. Leo ignored her and started to list the meetings she had to go to. "You're so mean to me" She pouted.

"Delivery!" Ravi shouts. Leo went over to him and signed it. "Just take it to the office" Leo said. Ravi did so, then went to the elevator and pressed the down button. He kept staring at Leo, occasionally looking at Leo's butt. When the elevator got to the floor, Ravi left.

'These dreams I'm having must mean something but, what...? and why am I a fox?" Leo questioned. Rose stared at Leo. "You must really be stressed" Rose said. "What do you mean?" Leo asked. "You sigh a lot, and you're staring into space" She said. "Oh... It's just that I've been having this really weird dream..." Leo said. "What's it about?" Rose asked. "Y-You don't want to know..." Leo said. Rose stared at him. "Well, I won't force you" She said, then started to write some things down.

Leo went on his break and made some coffee, then sat on a bench outside. 'What do these dreams mean...?' He thought. Ravi was also on his break and he saw Leo because he just so happens to be by the building. (I wonder... Why is he there? lol) He sat beside Leo "Bad day?" He asked. Leo jumped and looked at him. "N-No, just a lot on my mind..." Leo said. "Want to talk about it?" Ravi asked. "Not really... It's a bit weird" Leo said. "Well... Weird is good" Ravi smiled. "Is that so..." Leo chuckled.

Leo looked at his phone to check the time. "I should get going..." He said. "Let's talk again, oddball" Ravi smiled, then ran off. 'Oddball...?' Leo thought. "What does he mean by that...?"


After a hard day of work, Leo went home and got ready for bed. He took a deep breath, then got in bed and closed his eyes.


"Well, good morning sleepy head" Wolf Ravi greeted him. "How long did I sleep?" Leo asked. "You fell asleep yesterday so, let's just say you slept a while" Ravi chuckles. "Oh..." Leo said. "Where's Rose and the others?" Leo asked. "They went to get N and Ken" Ravi said. Leo stayed silent.

"I was thinking... and I'm going to become a human with you" Ravi said. "W-Wait, why?" Leo asked. "Because Leo... What I'm about to say might sound crazy but... I-I..."


Sorry for not posting!

As some of you know, I'm moving on the 11th or 12th so I might not be able to post for a while. I will try to post on youtube or on here if I have time because I am really busy. It all depends on if I have time but I'll try.

Other then that, tell me what you think!


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