Leo was sitting there under his blanket listening to the thunder and jumping from the loud noises.
Ravi looked at the blanket Leo was under and watch him jump. 'Should I go cuddle him?" He thought.
'I really wish I had a stuffed animal or something to hug...' Leo thought.
Ravi got up and walked over to Leo, he pulled his blanket off of Leo and laid down beside Leo, then fixed the blanket so it would go over both of them. Ravi laid on his side and wrapped his arm around Leo's waist. "Leo, are you scared of thunderstorms?" Ravi asked. "Yeah..." Leo said. "Is it alright if I stay with you?" Ravi asked. "Yeah..." Leo answered.
Leo felt calm, his heart was beating like crazy, but it was like the thunder wasn't even there for Leo.
Hyuk took a picture of the two. "We're not showing them, are we?" He asked. "No, let's let them have their fun" Hongbin said, taking Hyuk's hand and leading him to the living room.
Leo opened his eyes, feeling warm and safe in arms of someone that is making his heart beat really fast. He then realized that he was being held by someone. He turned his head and saw Ravi, staring at him. "H-Hi..." Leo greeted. "Morning sleepy head" Ravi smiled. "M-Morning..." Leo looked into Ravi's eyes, then quickly looked away and blushed. 'Cutie' Ravi thought.
"Love birds, come eat" Hongbin yelled from the kitchen.
Leo blushed harder, quickly standing up and exiting the room. 'This is weird... I didn't have one of those dreams... did I not dream last night? no no, I did... I just don't remember' Leo kept thinking. a lot was on his mind, but he couldn't talk to anyone about it. Well, It's not that he can't, but that he won't.
He thinks these dreams are childish and if he said anything them he'd sound like a child.
"The love birds are awake" Hongbin said, giggling with Hyuk. "Shush you two" N said to the two.
Leo walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. he had so much on his mind that he dropped the glass and was still lost in thought, ignoring the broken glass on the ground. "L-Leo-Hyung?" Hyuk questioned. Leo snapped out of it and looked at Hyuk. "Yes?" He asked. "You dropped your glass..." Hyuk said, pointing to the ground. "O-Oh... Sorry" Leo said, then bent down and started to pick the glass up.
Ravi walked into the room and saw Leo bent down. He stared at Leo's butt for a few seconds, then stopped when he heard Leo say "Ow..."
"Leo-Hyung, you alright?" Ravi asked. "Yeah, I just got cu-" Leo said, but got cut off from his heart stopping. He was still alive though his heart stopped. 'How?' He asked himself.
"What is it?" N asked. "I-I... I c-can't..." Leo started saying, then faints, landing on his back. Ravi ran over to Leo and started to shake him. "Is he alright?" Ken asked. Ravi checked Leo's pulse. As soon as Ravi went silent everyone in the room went silent. "He's dead..." Ravi said. "W-What!? How!? He's still breathing!" Ken said. "His heart isn't beating!" Ravi yelled, tears filling his eyes from fear. N went over to Leo and picked him up, taking him to the living room and setting him on the couch. "I know you've been having those dreams too" He said. "I never said anything because I didn't think it was such a big deal... until I figured out what is going to happen next" He explained. "W-What are you talking about?" Ravi asked. "This may sound stupid, but you and Leo aren't human" N said. "What? What are you talking about? This isn't a time for jokes, hyung" Ravi said. "THIS ISN'T A JOKE!" N yelled. "Leo has gone through stage 1,2, 3 and now 4 of the stages... there are 6 stages.
1- Dreams
4-heart stopping
and 6....- form"
"What is going on?" Ravi asked. "Don't play dumb with me!" N yelled. "Ravi, you had dreams of a beautiful guy that turns into a fox when you were a child. That was Leo" N said. "OddBall...?" Ravi questioned. "Yes" N said.
Leo started to squirm and sweat. "Whats happening!?" Ravi asked. "Stage 5... pain" N said. "W-Why pain?" Ravi asked. "It's part of the stages, Ravi" N said, annoyed.
Leo could hear everything that was going on, but he wasn't awake. He was in a dream filled with all of his worries and thoughts. everything was hitting him so hard in the dream which was causing his body to be in a lot of pain.
Leo stopped moving and opened his eyes.
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Then changed. It was a fast as a light.
Everyone's eyes widened. "You weren't lying..." Ravi said. "I wouldn't be able to make this up right off the spot" N said. "True..." Ravi said.
Leo stood up and looked around. "W-What...?" He questioned. "He can tal-" Ravi started, then turned into a wolf. "How is this even possible?" Ravi asked. "It just is..." N said. Ravi sighed.
Leo was scared, he didn't know what to do. He looked at his hair and got scared of the fluff. He jumped and fell off the couch. Everyone was trying to hold in their laughs but ended up laughing loudly. Leo looked at them and curled up in a ball. N looked at Leo and smiled. "You two aren't the only ones that are like this" He said. "What do you mean?" Ravi asked. "there is a whole town of them..." N said. Leo's eyes widened. "TAKE ME THERE!" He yelled. They all stared at him in shock.
"It won't be easy, but alright..." N said. "How are you going to do this?" Ken asked. "I'll figure out a way" N said.
"Am I the only one that cares about this broken glass? what if something steps on it?" Hyuk asked, only to be ignored. "HELLO?!"
Next chapter will be out soon but please give me time.
Message me if you have any ideas of astory you want and I'll work on it.
please do forgive me if anything seems off or if I spelled something wrong. I've been going through a lot, but my best friend has internet now, so I won't go insane... SO THAT'S GOOD... Anyway, please do forgive me for any mistakes I've might've made. If I've made a mistake, please correct me.