The girl stood up and shivered. Hyuk saw her shiver and ran up to her, giving her his sweater that was huge on her. "Hyuk!" Hongbin yelled.
"Oh, thank you..." She said. "It's no problem" Hyuk said. "Now let's go" Hongbin said. "Are you two looking for someone?" She asked. "Yeah, we are" Hyuk said. "May I join?" She smiled. "Sure!" Hyuk said. "What's your name?" Hongbin asked. "Call me Wook" She said...
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"Well Wook, we're looking for a friend of ours, his name is Ravi and his boyfriend's name is Leo" Hyuk said. "Not his boyfriend" Hongbin said. "Well I can help you" Wook said. "Alright, let's go" Hyuk said.
The lady woke up and saw Leo still asleep with Ravi. 'I guess I should just give up on him' She thought.
Leo opened his eyes and saw the lady looking at him. "Hello..." She said. "Hi..." Leo said. "You hungry?" She asked. "Wouldn't I be getting the food?" Leo asked. "No. I was thinking... Why don't you and Ravi just stay here and be my friends?" She asked. "I'm a fox..." Leo said. "Breed doesn't matter, I know that now" She looked down to her hands.
"How about we start over?" She asked. "Yeah, that'd be nice" Leo said. She walked over to Leo and Ravi, then put her hand out. "I'm Rose, the princess that turned you into a human" She said. "I'm Leo, a half-breed" Leo said. "And I'm Ravi, the owner of a village" Ravi said. "When did you get here?" Leo asked. "I was here since last night" Ravi said.
She stared at them. "Are you two planning on getting married?" She asked. "We're not dating" Leo said. "Oh, the way you two are with each other made me think you were" Rose said. "No, we're not" Leo said.
"Where could they be?!" Hyuk asked. "Want me to hold you?" Hongbin asked. "Yes please" Hyuk said. "Too bad" Hongbin laughed. Hyuk started to chase Hongbin. Wook smiled at the two.
"Do you think we'll ever go back to being humans?" Leo asked. 'It's best not to get my hopes up' He thought. "I'm not going to say yes, but I'm not going to say no at the same time" Rose said. "oh... okay then..." Leo said.
Ravi was staring at Leo. 'I know it's wrong for me to say this, since he's a boy but, I think I like him...' Ravi thought.
"Are we there yet?" Hyuk asked. "Can't you wait a little more?" Hongbin asked. "I'm hungry!" Hyuk said.
"I see something up ahead" Wook said. "What is it?" Hyuk asked. "It looks like a town" Wook said, as she started to walk faster. "FOOD!!!" Hyuk yelled.
"I'm hungry, want to go eat something?" Rose asked. Leo looked to Ravi, then stood up and followed Rose. Ravi walked behind Leo, to make sure he's safe.
"Here we are" Rose said, the echo in the room hurting Leo's ears. Leo acted like it didn't hurt him, but you could see he is in pain, through his face.
Ravi glanced over to Leo and saw the fact that he is in pain, he didn't do anything. What could he do? He's not the type to freak out about something that is normal.
Leo went to a chair and sat down. 'I wonder if there is a piano anywhere here' Leo thought. Could he even play the piano with the fact that he doesn't have hands? would he even try?
Ravi sat down beside him, then stole a few glances at Leo. 'I wonder what he's thinking' He thought. Leo makes Ravi's heart skip a beat, but he would never admit that. He'd rather stay quiet and keep it a secret. Would Leo hate Ravi if he told him? or would Leo tell Ravi that he likes him back?
Rose watched them both, then sat down and cleared her throat, getting their attention. "What do you guys want to eat?" She asked. "Anything with meat" Ravi said. "I'll eat anything" Leo said. "Okay... then I'll get some chicken" She said, looking at a maid.
The maid rushed to the kitchen and told the chef what she wanted.
Hyuk, Hongbin, and Wook went to the town and kept asking around if they have seen a fox and wolf. They asked a maid, having her take them to the fox and wolf. Hongbin and Wook ran to Leo and Ravi. Hyuk ran to the chicken, then started to eat.
"Are you two okay?" Hongbin asked. "Yeah, we're doing great, you?" Ravi asked. "We were looking for you, did she do anything to you?" Hongbin asked, ignoring Ravi. "She gave us a place to sleep and asked us to be her friends" Leo explained. "Are you two staying here with her?" Wook asked. "My family is here" Leo said. "Who is that?" Ravi asked, looking at Wook.
"I'm Wook, I'm a newcomer to the human life" She said. "She was a wolf" Hyuk said, with his mouth full.
Rose couldn't keep her eyes off of Wook. "Y-You guys should stay here too, the more the merrier" She awkwardly laughed. "But we left N and Ken at home, and what if you're just trying to get us all here so you can kill us?!" Hongbin asked. "Because, last night I kept thinking, 'Why don't I have friends?' and 'What's wrong with me?' Until I figured it out; I need to be nicer and use my power for good, not bad. I've decided to be a human, for the rest of my life" She explained. "I-I want to be a human too..." Leo said.
They all looked to Leo. "Why?" Ravi asked. "Because, While I was a human I played the piano... I kind of fell in love with the piano and want to play it..." Leo explained.
Next chapter will be out soon but please give me time, I'll try to update every other day but no promises.
Message me if you have any ideas of astory you want and I'll work on it.
Sorry for the wait...
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