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Leo gave Shin his milk and smiled at him, but he felt something. It felt like he had peed himself. He slowly took Shin to his room and put him in bed. "Now be good and stay here for a little bit, okay?" He smiled, then walked back to the kitchen and panted. He looked around and saw N. "N-N! I-I think the baby is a week early..." he said. Shin stared at Leo as he left, drinking his milk quietly. He didn't want to stay there with Hana, but he didn't want Leo to get mad at him. "Umma," he he whispered, staring at the door.

After a while, Ken had fallen asleep, leaving Ravi to mentally panic as he held the newborn. "Where is N?" he whispered aloud. N heard Leo and went over to him. "It's early?!" He yelled. "Yes! It's early" Leo yelled. "U-Uhm... c-come in here" N said, taking Leo into the room with all the others. "I'm sorry Ken" He whispered. He layed Leo down and got his tools. Leo covered his face with his hands, scared half to death. "N?!" Ravi shouted, waking up the baby in his arms. In all honesty, he could care less about the baby in this moment and immediately stared at Leo, obviously being worried to death. "I thought Leo wasn't due for another week!" he exclaimed, trying his best to hush the baby back to sleep. Though Ken had just fallen asleep, he once again woke up. He sat up, looking at everyone and groaned in pain. He stared at Leo, painfully getting off the bed and collapsed on the floor. He shrieked in pain, subconsciously letting tears out, but endured it. "H-Hyuk!" Hongbin said, loudly. "Help me get Ken to a bed or something!" He exclaimed. "Some give birth early, but in his case... it's really dangerous" N explained, helping Hongbin and Hyuk get Ken up. He kisses Ken's forehead and smiled. "Wait for me and I'll be with you in a bit" he said. "Dangerous?!" Ravi yelled. "What do you mean 'dangerous?!'" He screamed, beginning to panic.

Hongbin and Hyuk took Ken to their room. Hongbin was quite sad to see both friends in this state—this painful, painful state. Was all this pain really worth it? "Hyuk," he said, "can you get Soomi from Ravi? I can hear him yelling from here, and I don't think that'll help the newborn."

Shin sniffled, holding his empty bottle in his small hands. He missed Leo, despite him not even being gone for long. The small boy started to tear up, but tried to be good, just as Leo had asked.

Hyuk went and took Soomi from Ravi and took her to Hongbin. "Look, Ravi. I'll try my best to keep him alive, but for now all you can do is be here for him" N said.

Shin was now crying softly, hiccuping as the tears fell down his face.

"Try your best?! Try your best?!" Ravi exclaimed, both frustrated and angry at the same time. "He has to make it out alive, N! He has to!" he said, sitting by Leo's side and held his hand. "I can't lose him," he said, softly, on the verge of crying. He hated the fact that he couldn't do anything more to help. He also hated the fact that all he could do was sit and watch as his love was going through hell.

Hongbin smiled at Hyuk. "She seems calmer," he grinned.

N started the surgery on Leo and after a bit the babies were out. N wrapped the babies up, cleaning the blood off them. He fixed Leo back up and after he was done, he gave Leo some painkillers. Ravi cried—literally—and let go of Leo's hand. He took in a few deep breaths, somewhat calming down. He looked at N from the floor, smiling. 'Thank you' he mouthed, unable to speak yet. N picked the baby girl up and cleaned her more. He put a diaper on her and took her over to Ravi. "I think you and Leo should give her a name" N said. Leo saw N bring over the girl, but not the other baby. "W-What about the other one?" Leo asked. N stayed silent, making the room go silent. "I... I'll see what I can do..." He said. Ravi held the baby, looking up at N. "What is it, N? What happened?" he asked, worriedly. He sat beside Leo, staring at N. "Just... let me see what I can do" N said. He began CPR on the child until it started to breathe again. He softly laughed, sighing with relief. Leo just sat there and watched. He looked at the baby girl and tapped Ravi. Ravi smiled, handing the baby girl to Leo. He kissed his head, getting quite emotional. "Thank you, Leo," he whispered, putting his hand atop of Leo's. "Thank you for bringing our children into the world," he said, softly. Leo smiled and fell asleep. N put the other baby in a diaper and walked over to Ravi. "You might wanna get her before Leo drops her" he chuckles. "Right, right," Ravi smiled, talking the baby girl and kissed her forehead. "Thank you, N, for everything," he grinned. "Hey, this isn't my first time helping your wife give birth" He chuckled. "Who knows," Ravi said, "it may not be the last," he winked, looking over at Leo. "It's up to him, really," he chuckled. "You two are so lucky. Being blessed with two sets of twins" N laughed. "Hey, ask Ken," Ravi winked. "One more time," he chuckled. "You never know~" N blushed. "I don't think I could handle twins" He laughed. "Whatever you say, N," Ravi chuckled. "But you never know. Soomi might want a sibling of her own one day," he winked. "Yeah, thats true" N smiled.


Shin had gotten up from the bed, eyes swollen from silently crying, and held his empty bottle. He walked around the house, knocking on N's door. "U-Umma?" he sniffled.


Happy Birthday Hongbin-Oppa!!!

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