"When a pedal goes bad and you eat it, you turn back into that animal within a month. Ravi ate off of the flower, meaning he will change back too" She explained.
"You're evil..." Leo said. He fell down the stairs from losing feeling in both legs. Leo had passed out from hitting his head.
"Stupid fox" The lady laughed evilly.
"What is it you want?" Hongbin asked. "I want-- Oh, looks like we're out of time. Bye now!" She said, as she picked the changing Leo up and disappeared among the trees.
Hongbin ran inside and saw Ravi on the floor. "What happened?!" He asked. "I don't know! I walked and he just fell!" Hyuk yelled. "Oh no... this must be what she was talking about... Hyuk, go get the other!" Hongbin said.
Hyuk ran to N's room and saw Ken being kissed by N. He ran back to Hongbin. "I think we should just leave them alone" Hyuk said. "Fine, whatever, let's go!" Hongbin said, as he picked Ravi up and put him over his shoulder.
Hongbin and Hyuk ran out of the house and started to look for Leo and the lady.
"You really are useless!" The lady yelled. She kicked Leo's side making him wake up. "Oh you're awake, guess what? I have a little something for you to do" She said. She put a mirror in front of Leo, showing him that he has turned back into a fox. Leo's eyes widened and he stood up. "What is it you want?" He asked. "I want you to be my slave. I mean, isn't that what your kind is for?" she said. "Just because I was born a half-breed, doesn't mean I'll be your slave" Leo said. "I know where your family is" She said. "My family is dead" Leo said. "Then who are they?" She asked, pointing to Leo's family that are in a cage. Leo ran over to them. "I thought you were dead..." Leo said.
"Okay! blah blah blah family stuff and love, let's get this over with" The lady said. "Leo, I need you to listen to her" Leo's mom said. "What do you mean?" Leo asked. "Be her slave" Leo's dad said. "Why?" Leo asked. "Because, if you don't then... She'll kill us for real" Leo's mom said.
Leo felt weak, he didn't know what to do. He didn't know what he could do.
"Fine, but you have to let my family go" Leo said to the lady. She smiled. "I knew you'd say that, so I made a room just for them" She said.
She unlocked the cage and let his family out. She took them to a big beautiful room with a view of the waterfall. "Why are you being so nice?" Leo asked. "You're my slave now, You live here" She said. "I have to stay here in this room with my family?" Leo asked. "Oh, of course not. You stay in my room" She said. "Why?" Leo asked. "Stop asking so many questions and just listen!" She yelled.
She picked Leo up and went to her room. "You sleep on that bed, there" She pointed to a pink dog bed. "O-Okay..." Leo said.
Leo went over to the bed, laid down and fell asleep. 'I wonder if Ravi is still mad at me...' He thought.
The lady looked at Leo. 'Is he scared of me? I just wanted him as a slave. maybe my ways are just too creepy...' She thought.
Ravi transformed back to a wolf and made Hongbin fall. Ravi opened his eyes. "Where's Leo?!" He asked. "Some lady took him" Hongbin said. Ravi's eyes widened. He started to sniff around until he got the scent of Leo.
Leo followed the scent all the way back to where the lady stays. He saw Leo and the lady sleeping. 'What...?' He thought.
He walked over to Leo and felt how cold Leo was. Ravi laid behind Leo and rested his head on Leo's neck. Leo moved closer to Ravi to keep warm. The lady looked and saw Ravi and Leo cuddling. 'I wonder how it feels to love the same gender...' She thought.
Hyuk and Hongbin were trying to find Ravi but found a wolf instead. That wolf was by themselves under a tree.
They were sniffing flowers and ended up eating one. The wolf's body change from wolf to human. It wasn't like Leo taking a while to change, it was like Ravi who change like a light switch.
"Did you see that?" Hyuk whispered. "Yeah, shh" Hongbin said.
It was a girl, she looked like she was about 18 years old. She was naked.
Hongbin got jealous of Hyuk looking at her while she's naked, so he covered Hyuk's eyes. "Let's go" He said, dragging him by his ear.
The girl stood up and shivered. Hyuk saw her shiver and ran up to her, giving her his sweater that was huge on her. "Hyuk!" Hongbin yelled.
"Oh, thank you..." She said. "It's no problem" Hyuk said. "Now let's go" Hongbin said. "Are you two looking for someone?" She asked. "Yeah, we are" Hyuk said. "May I join?" She smiled. "Sure!" Hyuk said. "What's your name?" Hongbin asked. "Call me Wook" She said...
Next chapter will be out soon but please give me time, I'll try to update every other day but no promises.
Message me if you have any ideas of astory you want and I'll work on it.
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