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Leo lost feeling in his legs and fell. Hyuk ran out of the house, "What are you doing? get away from Leo!" Hyuk yelled. "I just wanted to see him again" When Leo heard that voice his heart felt like it broke. Leo quickly turned around and saw him...

"Master?" Leo's eyes filled with happiness. The wolf tackled him and kept licking his face, "You have no idea how much I missed you! Why'd you leave?" Master asked. Leo ignored the question "Wanna come inside?" Leo asked. Master nodded.

Hyuk looked at Hongbin and smiled. "Why are you here?" Leo asked, "I wanted to see you" Ravi answered. Leo blushed but you couldn't see it because of the fur.

"Maybe it was a bad idea for me to come here.." Master said. "Why?" Hyuk asked. "They can track you.." Leo said softly. Leo's heart pounded roughly on his chest, "You need to leave" Leo said bluntly. Master looked at him with saddening eyes, "Leo.."

"Leave!" Leo yelled. 'I've never seen him yell before' Master thought. Leo bit Master's tail "LEAVE!" He yelled once more.

Master ran off into the Forrest. "I have to find somewhere else to stay" Leo said, "why? he left" Hyuk asked. "his scent is this here" Leo answered, as he ran into the Forrest. 'Where should I go?' Leo thought.

Leo found a burrow and laid down in it. 'They shouldn't be able to find me if I hide' Leo thought.

The burrow was pretty big, it was big enough to hold two wolfs. What Leo didn't know what there was already someone in the burrow. "What do you think you're doing?" Leo heard a Lady ask. "I-I'm sorry. I'll leave" Leo said as he backed up slowly. "No. You can stay" Leo heard the lady say. "Where are you?" Leo asked. The lady walked up behind him and knocked him out.

Leo woke up and he was back in the cage that was in the cave. 'I'm going to die' Leo thought. He stood up and quickly walked to the cage door. "Let me out, please... I won't come back" Leo begged. The Princess walked up to the cage door and stared at Leo "I won't let you go. Ravi is mine and you're taking him away. You must be punished" The Princess yelled. Master ran down and saw Leo in the cage, the princess winked at Ravi "sorry boo" She smirked. "Eat or precious Ravi DIES" The Princess yelled.

Leo walked over to watch looked like a Rose. Leo bit one of the roses petal and felt his heart beating so fast that it hurt. "Humans are the ugliest things on earth, He's going to be hideous" The Princess laughed evilly.

Leo's paws started turning into hands. His back legs started turning into human legs. his fur started disappearing. His snout started to shrink. 'What is happening to me?' Leo thought.

"LEO!" Ravi yelled, as he ran up to the cage door, opening it. Leo's bones started shifting "AHH!! I-It hurts!" Leo yelled. Ravi ran up to Leo and stared at him, while his body was changing. 'I know I can't do anything but I feel like I should do something' Ravi thought. Leo kept yelling as he was changing until finally, the pain stopped.

Ravi looked at the Rose and then looked back at Leo. Ravi ripped a petal off of the rose and ate it. his Transformation was fast, almost like he's gone through it before. Ravi held Leo in his arms and glared at the Princess. Ravi picked the Rose up and threw it at the Princess.

After Ravi threw the Rose at the Princess, he picked Leo up bridal style and ran to the house in the middle of the Forrest. He banged on the door and as soon as Hyuk opened it, he ran in and sat the changing Leo on the couch. "What's going on? Who are you guys?" Hongbin asked. "The wolf and fox from before" Ravi answered. "That's Leo?" Hyuk asked as he pointed to him. Ravi nodded "There's nothing we can do but wait, It's his first time changing into a human, and I'm afraid it's his last" Ravi said. "What do you mean, Last?" Hyuk asked as he sat Ravi down on the other couch.

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