Apollo ' s Mistake

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Disclaimer : I do not own any of Rick Riordan ' s characters or setting I only own Moon.


         When Moon told us we have to go to Seattle before going to the underworld I was feeling a little woozy. "Hey, we can call my dad to pick us up and go to Tacoma?" Will asked. "Why can't we go straight to Seattle?" Moon asked in a matter of fact tone. I gave her a look and then she fell silent. "Oh" Will looked down "Apollo can't go to Seattle because he has a strict schedule and today and tomorrow his schedule is to bring sunlight to Tacoma." We all agreed which took forever and Will screamed "Apollo? Dad?" A blinding light appeared. It was so strong I fell to the ground with a large thud.

        Overpowered by the blinding light I reached and took Moon's hand. What's going on? I thought. Trying to figure out what happened I retraced my thoughts before the sunlight Will screamed "Apollo? Dad?" And that caused the light!! Maybe this is Apollo!!I ran to a silver heap and found Moon. I then picked her up and whispered "It's Apollo!" Just by the sound of my voice her eyelashes fluttered and her gray shimmering eyes made an appearance.  Once she regained her concious we went to find Will.

                Right when we found Will who was blasted into the garbage bin the sunlight died out. "Hey! Son!" Said a voice. I could tell Will recognized that voice. He literally walked near Apollo ' s direction. "Oooh! I didn't know Artemis had a child! I THOUGHT she was the goddess of chastity!" He walked toward her and grabbed her hand. I was so startled by his action. I was about to smack his hand so hard he would cry but I waited ready for his next move. Out of nowhere Moon started to scream. I flipped my coin summoned a spatha and ready for one on one combat. But I noticed her whole hand was glowing which looked like sunlight. She kicked Apollo in the gut and with her hand she summoned Moon Light and showered it over the effected area. Within seconds the sunlight vanished.

   So sorry I haven't been posting alot I was really busy reading "The Mockingjay" It's in the Hunger Games Series. Should I do a fan fiction about it? Oh and also I'm going to do a contest how to enter is to
A.) PM me your favorite book and your favorite quote the main character said
B.) Comment down below who your favorite character in the Twilight series
C.) I will randomly choose only 3 winners in the last week of April.
The prizes are....
1st place ~ I write a story about whatever you want with any characters you want. I will follow you and read 3 of your stories. And shout you out.
2nd place~ I will follow you and read 2 of your stories. And shout you out.
3rd place~ I will follow you and read 1 of your stories. And shout you out.
Good luck!!😜😜
                                Peace Out Peeps ✌!

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