chapter one

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"beep, beep, beep, beep" i heard my alarm clock ring. i slowly opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the bright light that was shining through the window. i reached up and turned the alarm clock off. i rubbed my grey eyes as i slowly sat up and yawned. i slipped out of bed, my feet hitting the warm carpet as i stretched my arms out. i walked towards my closet and took out my school uniform. walking towards the dresser, i opened a drawer and pulled out boxers and a pair of socks. after i got all the clothes i need, i set them all on the bed. i walked into the bathroom, groaning as the cold tile pressed against my bare feet. i turned on the shower, taking off my boxers. making sure the water was warm before stepping in.

after i got out of the shower, i grabbed a towel and dried off my hair, ears, body, and tail. i wrapped the towel around my waist and walked up to the mirror. i grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. once i finished, i walked into my room and started getting dressed. after i put my school uniform on, i walked back into the bathroom and brushed my hair, watching out for my ears. i walked downstairs and looked around the kitchen, like always, no one was home and i had to make my own breakfast. i was too lazy to make anything, so i just grabbed a snack from the cabinet and walked out the door. i locked the door and started walking to school.

i walked up to the huge school building and looked around. there was lots of teenagers outside. ignoring them, i walked up to two doors that i assumed was the entrance. i opened them and walked inside. there was just as many kids inside as there was out. i slowly started walking around, looking at all the humans, mef'was, and werewolfs. i didn't know where to go, so i just stood still and looked around. a few minutes later, a girl with dark hair walked up to me. "are you lost?" she asked.

this is my first ever book. should i continue or stop?? also, im sorry if there's any spelling mistakes.

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