chapter six

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soon after we sat down, i looked over and saw a few table of girls whispering to each other and staring at us. i looked out the window and brushed them off. "so..." i looked at aphmau and she was looking at my hair. "natural or dyed?" i was assuming she was talking about my hair. "natural." she seem shocked. "really?" i nodded. "that explains why your ears and tail are blue." heat started moving to my face. was i getting sick?

"here's your orders." a girl with pink hair, cat ears and tail said. i growled to myself. "thanks, kawaii-chan." i looked at aphmau who was smiling and looking at this girl, apparently named kawaii-chan. "oooh, who's this cutie?" once again there was a heat feeling on my face. "i-i'm ein." "are you on a date with aphmau-chan?" the heat feeling got worse. "n-no!" she giggled at me before looking at aphmau. "better get to dating him soon aphmau-chan, lots of girls here are talking about him." talking about me? why? she winked at aphmau and left. we sat in silence, looking out the window and drinking our tea.

"there has to be a way i can repay you!" "don't worry about it." she wants to repay me, 'cause i payed for our drinks. "please!" "no, aph. it's cool. think of it as my treat." i looked at her and gave her a smile. her face turned a light pink. "th-thank you." we walked towards her house. it was getting dark and i thought it would be gentlemen like if i walked her home. i'd feel bad if i let her walk home alone.

so the reason why i don't put 'pov' is, because it's a little annoying to have to put it in every chapter, plus i plan on doing this whole book in ein's pov. but if i change it, i will definitely put who's pov it is.

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