chapter nine

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the next day at school, i walked down the hallway to class when a group of girl's came running to me. they started making goo goo eyes at me, like their hearts were going to melt from looking at something cute.

"wow, don't you girl's look beautiful today." i said with a soft smile.

they all squealed to each other, their cheeks slightly pink.

i continued to walk down the hall to class.


after class, i walked up to aphmau's locker, but she wasn't there. i stood next to her locker and waited for her. a few minutes later, she walks up with a smile on her face.
"hey, what's up?" she said as she opened up her locker. "not much, you?" she shook her head. "just listening to rumors on how you're the cutest werewolf in school." she giggled. i looked at her with a light shocked face. "rumors like that are going around already?"

"yeah, rumors spread like wild fire around here." she laughed lightly.

i looked down, my face feeling a little warm.

"you're blushing." i looked up at her.



"what's that?"

she laughed softly. "it's when your cheeks turn pink or sometimes red from embarrassment. it'll feel like your face is heating up."

"is that what that is? i've been feeling that a lot lately."

"aww, how cute." she smiled. my face heated up again. or should i say...i blushed. i tried to look away from her, but she just giggled at me. "a-anyway..." i said before looking at her. "wanna eat lunch together?" i asked her with a smile. her cheeks turned slightly pink as she nodded. "s-sure."

falling for a womanizer (a ein x aphmau au)Where stories live. Discover now