chapter three

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i looked around, trying to find a place to sit. i walked to the back of the cafeteria, there was an empty table. 'perfect.' i thought to myself. i sat down and put my lunch on the table. i opened up my lunch bag and pulled out a turkey sandwich. i licked my lips and was about to take a bit. "hey." i heard a voice. i growled at them in my head before i looked up. it was her again.

"why are you sitting all alone?" the black haired female asked. "i don't know any one here." i said softly. "you know me, so can i sit with you?" i nodded slowly. she sat down across from me, i finally took a bite out of my sandwich. i smiled to myself at the delicious taste. i took another bite, soon finishing the sandwich. "...-class?" huh? she was talking to me? i must've been too busy enjoying my sandwich to pay attention. "e-excuse me?" she giggled quietly before repeating herself "what's your next class?" "werewolf class, how about you?" "science."

i sat down in the back of the classroom, once again. i groaned to myself, 'i'm bored.' right now, the teacher was just talking about things that every werewolf already knew. why his he talking about stuff we already know? what's the point? ugh, i just want to go home already. one thing lead to another and my thoughts slowly slipped to aphmau. how kind and pretty she was. i really wanna get to know her.

sorry for making it so short,
i'll try to make the next chapter a bit longer.

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