chapter eight

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i wiggled out of their grips and compliments, my face feeling really hot as i turned to look at the girls. "i'm s-sorry." i stuttered. they awed at how "cute" i was. i tried to walk away, but they just kept following me. i turned around and told the girls that they looked very lovely today, hoping that a compliment would satisfy them and they would leave me alone. some of the girls blushed, some squealed, but one girl fainted. the other girls rushed to her aid, while i booked it and ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

i stopped at a sidewalk and started panting, my lungs begging for air. i saw more girls heading my way. i didn't want to be bothered, but i didn't want to be mean. so i complemented the girls and they started squealing to each other and blushing. i sneakily walked passed them and took the sidewalk that was leading me back home.

'so complimenting women gets them to leave me alone? hm.'

once i got home, i grabbed a bottle of cold water and started drinking, until my lungs needed air again and my throat was no longer dry. i hummed to myself as i thought about my actions that got the girls to leave me alone. i didn't want to be rude and yell at them or hurt their feelings, plus complimenting them could really make their day better if their having a bad day, right? i thought more about this until i started feeling tired. i yawned as i walked upstairs.

i walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair a bit. i took off my shirt and pants, leaving me in my boxers as i crawled into bed. i took out my phone and started playing a quick game that i've been addicted to for the past few days.

pokémon go.

yes, i know i'm late getting into the game and all, but oh well. it didn't seem interesting to me at first. but i got really bored one day and just decided to download and play it. it's actually really cool and i love all the pokémon i've captured so far. my starter pokémon was squirtle, the second pokémon i fell in love with. yes, i've watched the anime. i've been watching it since i was a kid.

a yawn escaped my lips as i started to feel even more tired. i turned off my phone, plugged it in to charge, closed my eyes, and falling fast asleep.

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