chapter four

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i walked up the driveway, relieved that school was over for the day. i walked up to the front door, taking the keys out of my backpack and unlocking the door. i stepped in and looked around. the house was empty. i turned around, shutting the door and locking it. i went over to the couch and sat down, putting my book bag on the floor next to my feet. i took out my homework and started looking at it. i took out a pencil, opened my math book and started working on a couple of math questions.

once i finished my homework, i went outside, 'cause honestly it's boring staying inside an empty and cold house for a long period of time. i started walking around, feeling the light breeze in my blue and black hair. i like feeling the breeze in my ears and tail. it's weird, i know. but it feels so nice.

it started to get dark so i decided to walk home. good thing i didn't wander too far. i opened the door and walked inside, locking it behind me. i yawned lightly, walking up the stairs to my bedroom. i started to take off my clothes, leaving me in my black boxers. i crawled into bed and pulled the blankets over me, laying my head on the pillow. a few minutes later, sleep took over.

sorry if this seems boring so far,
i promise it will get interesting soon.

hope you all have a great day/night.

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