Chapter 2

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It was lunchtime and Sherlock had impatiently waited for Amelia to pack her bag and books in her locker. She noticed his foot tapping on the ground as she got out the ham sandwich Aunt Sharon had made for her.

Sherlock had coughed loudly and glared at her and Amelia rolled her eyes. What was his problem? Why was she even hanging out with such a weird guy?

He led her to a place hidden from the usual spot the rest of the students eat and through out the entire walk he did not speak.

Amelia quickened her pace to catch up with Sherlock. She glanced at his emotionless face before saying, "Don't you have any friends?"

Sherlock stared ahead as they walked past the soccer field. A couple of boys looked their way and one of them shouted after them, "Freak!"

Sherlock ignored him and the other boys' laughter and replied to her, "No."

Amelia frowned, "Why not?"

Sherlock scoffed and said, "Obviously, they think that I'm a freak."

The frown on Amelia's face did not leave, "Why? I thought that detective thing that you did was amazing!"

They had reached to a grassy area when Sherlock stopped in his tracks, "Really?"

Sherlock sat down on the ground and gestured for Amelia to do so too. She flopped on the ground and nodded, "Yea, it was cool."

Sherlock opened his black lunchbox that Amelia thought was a briefcase and said, "Most people think it's weird and they tell me to piss off. You're a first. It takes an awful lot of hard work to deduce you."

Amelia unwrapped the spring foil covering her sandwich, "Really?"

Sherlock gave a tiny, tiny smile and poked a straw through his juice pouch, "No."

Amelia huffed and took a bite of her sandwich. She and Sherlock settled into a comfortable silence when he asked her, "Do you have any friends? Back home?"

Amelia laid on her back on the grassy floor, "Yeap. Mels and Rory. We used to play dress up games all the time. I didn't have any friends here, not until now."

Sherlock sipped his juice, "Who is that?"

Amelia paused and stared up at the blue sky, "You."

She looked at Sherlock and to her dismay, saw a small smile form on his face. However, it was gone in a second when he realised that she had seen it and he said, "That's nice."

They settled into silence again and a few minutes later Sherlock spoke up, "Do you have any other stories?"

Amelia debated whether to tell him about the story of her Raggedy Man and she decided to, even though he was a bit mean.

She sat up straight and said, "When I was 7, I was praying to Santa about a crack in my wall. Usually there's cracks everywhere, but this crack scared me. It was late and Aunt Sharon was sleeping. I had wished for a policeman to come and fix the crack, and right after that this police box crashed landed into my shed."

Amelia glanced at Sherlock to say something but all he did was raise his eyebrows slightly.

She continued on, "I went out to take a look and the shed was smashed. I brought a flash light down with me and the doors were open. Orange light shone out of it and this weird man came out of it. He was dressed in raggedy clothes, which was where the term Raggedy Doctor had come. He said he was the Doctor and he felt abit peckish. So I brought him into my kitchen and he ate fish fingers dipped inside custard. I told him about the crack in my wall and he went to investigate it. I asked him if he was the policeman that Santa had sent but he didn't know what was I talking about. He used this pen thingy that made a weird noise and pointed at it and, this giant eyeball was staring at us."

Sherlock sat up straight, with his eyebrows raised, "I believe everything except for the eyeball. That's impossible."

Amelia glared furiously at him and snapped, "Let me finish! And I saw it with my own eyes! It said it was looking for Prisoner Zero then the Doctor used the pen thingy to close the crack. It never bothered me again. He told me to pack my things because he was going to take me on an adventure while he did something with the blue box, so I did. I waited and waited for him but he never came back. For 2 years. I told Aunt Sharon but she brought me to 4 psycharits for my condition. I bit all of them."

Sherlock sniggered, "You bit them? Why?"

Amelia huffed and folded her arms across her chest, "They said my Raggedy Man wasn't real. I know he was real. The shed even broke and had to be replaced."

Sherlock threw his empty juice box to the side and said, "Well yes, that's probably real. But the eyeball? And Prisoner Zero? Those can't be real, because they're impossible."

Amelia scowled at him and said, "Say it's impossible all you want, Sherlock Holmes. But when my Raggedy Man comes back, I'll make sure to visit you."

Sherlock rolled his eyes and nodded, "Yeah yeah. If it makes you feel better I used to pretend that I was pirate when I was young. With my dog, Redbeard. His health isn't doing too good these days but I'm sure he will pull through."

Amelia frowned at the mention of his sick dog. She wasn't too much of an animal person but she still liked them alot, "Sorry about your dog. A pirate? And you still mocked me about my Raggedy Man?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes again, "Yes I wanted to be a pirate and I still do. I call myself Bootstrap Bill, and Redbeard would be my companion."

Amelia raised her eyebrows while lying back down on the grass, Sherlock following suit. She said, "Where did the Bill come from?"

Sherlock stared up at the sky, "My parents always calls me that. But I would prefer for you to call me Sherlock."

Amelia was about to say something when the bell rang. Sherlock got up and picked up his lunchbox, "Hurry up. Next lesson is Science, and our teacher is Mr Gatiss. You wouldn't want to be late."

Amelia huffed again and struggled to get up. She brushed the grass off her back and she glanced at him, "Were you going to help me up?"

Sherlock turned around and began walking away, "No."

Sherlock felt Amelia's scowl bore into his back, but she caught up with him anyway. He didn't know much about friendship, but he hoped that this one lasted.

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