Chapter 8

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The three of them, Sherlock, John and Amy were at the cafe downstairs, Speedy's. They were having their lunch there. Sherlock had not spoken about the incident with Rory to John, he knew Amy wanted it to be a secret between them so Amy just told him that she broke up with Rory. Currently, she was ravenously devouring her bacon sandwich, as John sipped his tea and Sherlock watched the both of them, his fingers laced together.

John broke the silence, "So, Amy, you hungry?" Amy looked up in surprise at him and quickly swallowed the food in her mouth.

She gave him a tiny smile, "Yeap. Didn't eat breakfast this morning." John nodded and chuckled softly to himself. They settled into comfortable silence once more until Sherlock suddenly sat up straight and said to Amy, "You don't have a job?"

Amy ate the last of her sandwich and nodded while saying, "Yeah, I just got here, didn't I?" Her scottish accent was strong. She spoke again, not waiting for Sherlock to reply, "Do you know any places? For me to sign up for one? I was thinking about being a model or-"

Sherlock cut her off while narrowing his eyes, "No." Amy jerked up in surprise, he could tell not many people dared to cut her off, "Why not?" He smirked, which surprised John abit, and replied, "You are not going to get a job."

Amy glared at him while folding her eyes and retorted back, "Excuse me? Why not? You don't have a job, and John's only a doctor. I don't think all three of us can survive on his paycheck."

The smart smirk stayed on Sherlock's face as he counterattacked, "I do have a job." Amy fake laughed, "Really? What is it?" John found them very amusing. They had contrasting personalities, but at the same time they balanced each other out. It was honestly very funny, they were like a tennis match.

Sherlock took a quick glance at John before proudly saying, "I am a consulting detective. John is my assistant." John muttered under his breath, "The only one in the world." Sherlock gave John the Look again and turned to face Amy. She looked at him, confused, "What the hell is a consulting detective? I never heard of that before!"

Sherlock scoffed and said in the same cocky tone, "I invented the job. The police come to me for help when they're stuck. Which is all the time." John snickered, he was trying to hard to impress Amy, it was embarrassing. Amy rolled her eyes, "I bet you're fibbing."

Sherlock gasped in mock surprise, "Oh no! Of course I'm not lying, what would I gain out of lying to you? Hm?" Amy smirked and flipped her hair as she hissed, "My respect."

John saw Sherlock actually lose his composure there, but within seconds he covered it up. Amy, seeing Sherlock's facial expression, she laughed and said, "Ok, ok. I believe you. What wouldn't I believe when I met freaking Daleks! Anyways, you always had my respect, Sherlock." 

To John's dismay, he swore he saw Sherlock's cheeks turn a little bit pink. Amy placed her elbows up on the table and placed her chin on her hands, "Tell me about the cases you solve, Mr Detective." 

For the next few hours, Sherlock and John, mostly John though, told Amy about the cases that they encountered and even some unsolved ones. The only thing they didn't tell her about was Moriarty. They didn't want to put her in danger.

Amy was smiling by the time they finished, "Wow Sherlock. I always thought you'll end up being a pirate." 

John took a sip of his third cup of tea and said, "Pirate?" Amy giggled and nodded, she also had ordered herself a coffee, "Yeap. He wanted to be one when he was young. With his dog." John spat his tea back into his cup and bursted out laughing. Sherlock raised an eyebrow, "Using me as a source for entertainment?" 

Amy grinned at him and reached over and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't take it to heart Sherlock." She got up and stretched, "I'm going out to shop for new clothes and stuff. Don't wait up!" John nodded and him and Sherlock got up from their seats too. Just before Amy left, Sherlock called out, "Wait, Amy!"

She turned around, her ginger hair shining in the afternoon sun, "Yeah?"  Sherlock held out his iPhone, "Your number." John raised his eyebrows in surprise and gave Sherlock a sly smile. He shot a glare at him and watched as Amy dialed her number into his contact list before passing it back to him. She waved at the both of them before hailing a taxi, "See you guys later!"


It was nine in the evening. Amy had been out shopping since three in the afternoon and her hands were filled with bags. She was standing by the edge of the street, attempting to hail a taxi. She cussed under her breath as another taxi zoomed past her. Great, she thought, at this rate I'll never get home.

Home. Funny, she was already considering 221B Baker Street her home. It was understandable, since she only knew John and Sherlock in London. But it was amusing, how quickly she came to accept it as her home. Amy gussed that a lifetime of adventures was enough to make her believe that everywhere is home.

But Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes was a mystery. She knew him since they were young but he changed so much. He still believed in her tales of the Doctor of course, but it just seemed like a piece of him was missing. He seemed reluctant to mention about Bootstrap Bill and Redbeard. Did that mean he had not told John anything about his childhood? He didn't even mention her.

Amy sighed and froze when she glanced back up. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she did not notice when a sleek black BMW had stopped in front of her. Amy froze and tried to get into her fight stance as fast as possible with a dozen shopping bags.

Two men in suits, she guessed that another one was drving the car, got out and one of them took her shopping bags and placed them into the boot while the other pushed her into the car. Amy struggled and flung her arms around, "Let me go!" The man ignored her and roughly shoved her into the back seat.

There was another woman in the back seat. Unlike Amy, she was calm and was texting someone on her iPhone. Amy huffed as she flopped onto the leather seat and they drove off. Amy glanced between her and that woman. The woman seemed uniterested as to where were they going, unlike Amy who was panicking inside her mind.

Oh my god where I am going who are these people who is she who are they where's Sherlock oh my god i don't know where I am oh my god Sherlock save me please Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock

Amy snapped out of her panic attack and tried to ignore the voices in her head. She whispered to the woman, "Where are we going?" The woman said without looking at her and said, "Can't tell you that."

Amy scowled and said in a harsher tone, "Who am I meeting?" She guessed it was someone important considering the men in suits and the assistant she was currently talking to. The woman said again, "You will be seeing soon enough." Amy sighed and glanced out of the window. Who was she meeting?

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