Chapter 5

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John had just stepped into 221B after his dinner 'date' with Amy when he saw Sherlock still lying on the couch.

John frowned and narrowed his eyes, "Were you... Were you sitting there for the whole day?"

Sherlock crossed his arms across his chest and said, annoyed, "I asked you to pass me your phone."

John sounded confused as he said, "What? When?"

Sherlock scoffed and sat up straight, "An hour ago."

John's mouth dropped open from shock when he heard Sherlock's answer, "An hour ago?! I was out!"

Sherlock sighed and stood up from the couch and paced up and down in his dressing gown. Sometimes Sherlock Holmes really annoyed John Watson. He would randomly shout for things when he wasn't even there!

Sherlock said, "Oh yes, where were you?"

John rolled his eyes and moved towards the teapot to make a cup of tea, "I was out, and had dinner with a nice young lady. I offered her to stay at our flat, by the way."

Sherlock was about to play his violin when he heard John's last sentence, "Wait, you offered what?"

John sighed as lifted the teapot, seeing that it was already full of liquid. From the aroma, he guessed it was tea. John replied, "She had just moved to London and has no where to stay! Please Sherlock, just be kind for once. She's coming over tomorrow to check it out."

Sherlock scoffed again and played his violin furiously, "Fine."

John nodded at him and open the lid of the teapot. It was full of tea alright, but it had floating human eyeballs in it, "Sherlock!"


John was anxiously waiting for Amy the next morning. He was fidgeting on the couch and Sherlock was playing his violin again.

John heard the doorbell ring and he hastily stood up and said to Sherlock, "I'll go ring her in." He hurried out of the door but just before he left, Sherlock deduced him. John was defintely interested in this mysterious woman, only slightly though.

Sherlock grunted and went back to playing his violin. He had actually bothered to wear his shirt and trousers.

He heard chattering downstairs, and a very familiar voice. Wait... That was the voice of... No, Sherlock shook his head to erase his thoughts. That's stupid. Amelia Pond is gone now. He had not received any letters from her.

Sherlock played his violin rather furiously now as he heard John and that woman walk up the stairs. He heard a luggage dragging up the stairs, that woman must be very egar.

Finally, the both of them came in. Sherlock heard John say, "Well Amy, here it is. That's my flatmate, he likes to play the violin rather roughly. Sherlock, introduce yourself."

Sherlock dumped his violin on the couch and turned to face them. His heart almost stopped. The woman was wearing a wooly beret, she had firey red hair, just like Amelia Pond. She was wearing a dark blue coat with a beige handbag. The woman had an exact same look on her face as she took him in. She finally opened her mouth.




Amy's mouth dropped open as she lost her grip on her small luggage. She dashed towards Sherlock Holmes, her Sherlock Holmes, and hugged him.

Sherlock froze for a few seconds before he wrapped his arms around her waist. They stayed that way for a few moments before letting go.

John was looking at them, brows furried together, "Am I missing something?"

Amy giggled and shook her head, "No John. Me and Sherlock were childhood friends. We lost contact after I moved back to Leadworth." She then turned towards Sherlock and slapped him. Hard on the cheek. The only other person to slap him was Molly.

Sherlock held his cheek in pain, "Amelia! What did you do that for?"

Amy glared at him and said, "I was sending letters to you Sherlock Holmes! But you never repiled them, did you? I thought you moved away but the letters were never sent back! You bastard didn't even return my phone calls! And it's Amy, not Amelia!"

Sherlock's mouth dropped open. Letters? What letters? He had not received any letters of any sort from her! He replied her calmly, "Amy, I didn't receive any letters."

Amy stopped glaring at Sherlock and said, "Really?" Sherlock nodded and Amy went to hug him again.

A second passed before John coughed uncomfortably, "Uh, Amy, do you want to see the spare room?"

Amy smiled at John and nodded. She held her luggage and wheeled it behind John who brought her to the third room, the room which was always locked.

John opened the door, and Amy went in, followed by Sherlock. John gasped. The room wasn't a storage room, it wasn't even messy. It's walls were painted a pastel blue and had bed, a desk and a bookshelf in it.

John turned to Sherlock and said, "You said it was messy?" Sherlock scoffed for the third time, "I lied."

Amy had place her luggage at the foot of the bed and she was looking at the room in awe. She spun around and exclaimed happily, "I love it!"

John swore he saw Sherlock smile. He said, "Well, I'm glad you like it. Shall we go and-"

Sherlock cut him off, "Amy, is that a wedding ring?" He gestured to Amy's left hand, which was wearing a wedding ring.

Almost immediately, the happy grin was wiped from her face. John saw her sudden change in emotions and hissed at Sherlock, "Sherlock! We'll talk about that later."

Amy bit her lip and slowly took the gold ring off and placed it on her desk. She said to the both of them, "I have to tell you guys something."

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