Chapter 4

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It was 2011.

John Watson was walking back to 221B, the flat he shared with the world's only consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes.

John had wanted to have a warm glass of milk before going to sleep but when he opened up the fridge, there was... there was... a bloody human head inside.

He had cussed at the top of his lungs, and marched over to Sherlock, who was in his pajamas and a blue bath robe and laying on the sofa, staring at the ceiling.

John guessed that he was thinking of Moriarty, who was he and what was his purpose of hunting him, Sherlock down.

However, when John came back from the shops with a carton of milk and a few other groceries, he heard gunshots from the landing.

Almost immediately, he dropped the two plastic bags and hurried up the stairs. John heard the gunshots coming from his flat.

He ran through the door, expecting Moriarty gunning Sherlock down, but instead Sherlock was using a gun to shoot at the wall.

John gaped, "Sherlock! What are you doing?"

Sherlock shot again as he said, "Bored!"

John frowned, "Bored?!"

Sherlock nodded and twisted his body in bizarre shapes and shot at the wall again, "I'm bored!"

John shook his head and moved towards Sherlock, "Sherlock! Stop it, Mrs Hudson will include this in our monthly rent."

Sherlock angrily dumped the gun onto the coffee table and turned to face John, "But I'm bored! We have no case!"

John crossed his arms across his chest, "We just solved a case!"

Sherlock sighed, "Yes, John, we did. Amazing that you just realised. But I'm bored!"

John scowled, "Then go to sleep! If you aren't, I am. I have work at the clinic tomorrow."

Sherlock looked at John in alarm, "What clinic? What job?"

John groaned in absolute frustration, when does Sherlock actually listen to him? He said, "The job I got to get us some money!"

Sherlock thought for a while and sprang up from his seat on the chair, "No. You aren't going."

John glared at Sherlock and walked towards his room, "Yes, Sherlock. I am, and no questions." And he closed the door to his room.


John stretched his arms as the patient walked out of the consulting room. It was half an hour till he got off work and he only had one patient left.

He pressed the button on his desk to indicate that the next person to come in. John got ready his equipment when a young woman walked in. She had firey red ginger hair, it was shoulder length and she had a beige hat on her head. She also wore a long brown coat shaped like a dress. She looked like she just came out of the 1960s.

John opened up a new patient's form on his computer and asked the lady, "Hello, how are you?"

The lady gave him a weak smile and repiled, "Fine. What about you?"

John noticed how she had slight bags under her eyes, showing that she does not get enough sleep. He looked at her ,"Great, thank you? What's your name?"

The lady bit her lip before saying, "Amy Pond."

John proceeded to ask her for her details and typed them out in the computer. After he was done, he saved it to the clinic's database.

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