Chapter 14

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The three of them was sitting in a taxi, with Amy in the middle of John and Sherlock. They were on the move, with Sherlock in his usual coat and scarf. 

Amy crossed her arms and said to Sherlock, "So, what's the plan?"

Shelock repiled to her while staring straight ahead, "We know her address."

Amy frowned and crossed her right leg over her left, so that it was rubbing against Sherlock's. She said, scoffing, "What, just ring her doorbell?" Sherlock glanced down at her leg and gave her a stern look, which she returned with a flirtly smile.

Sherlock turned to look at the front again. He felt his heart beating fast, which was stupid. He was not supposed to feel this way. Not supposed to feel this type of feeling. Especially not for Amy Pond. A chemical affect, a weakness, was dangerous. Sherlock could not afford to feel this way about anyone. Not at this crucial time, with Moriarty running around. 

Sherlock felt Amy nudge him and say, "Sherlock?" 

He turned to her and quickly repiled, "Ah, yes. Exactly."

Sherlock leaned slightly forward and called out to the taxi driver, "Just here, please."

He walked out of the taxi, followed by Amy, then John. John, who was listening to their conversation, and was amused by Amy's flirting attempts at Sherlock, said, "You didn't even change your clothes."

Sherlock turned to face the both of them and smiled, "Yeap, and that's where Amy comes in. John, I just need you to add a splash of colour." 

Amy rolled her eyes as they followed Sherlock down a narrow street, taking off his scarf as he went. Eventually, he stopped and turned to walk in front of John. John had a confused look on his face as he asked, "Are we here?"

Sherlock repiled, "Two streets away, but this'll do."

Amy raised her eyebrows and pulled her skirt down, "For what?"

Sherlock gestured to his left cheek at John, "Punch me in the face."

The three of them settled into silence for a few minutes before John broke it, "Punch you?"

Sherlock sighed and gestured to his cheek again, "Yes. Punch me. In the face. Didn't you hear me?"

John said, with a tone of sass in his voice, "I always hear 'punch me in the face' when you're speaking but it's usually subtext."

Sherlock rolled his eyes and said, exasperated by how stupid John was, "Oh, for God's sake."

Sherlock lunged forward and punched John in the face. Amy gasped as John grunted in pain and reeled from the blow. Sherlock was shaking out his hand and let out a loud breath, bracing himself for John's warth. 

John straightened up and immediatey punched Sherlock. However, despite his anger, he hit Sherlock on his left cheek as instructed to. John hissed as pain rang through his fist, he turned away as Sherlock picked himself up, and flexed his hand painfully and examined his knuckles. Sherlock finally stood up straight, holding his fingers to the cut on his cheek.

Sherlock said shakily, "Thank you. That was... That was-"

John turned to him and punched him in the stomach, sending him crashing onto the ground. A few minutes of fighting, Sherlock is doubled over with John on his back half-strangling him, while Amy was behind John, pulling him back. John's face was contorted with pent-up anger and frustration, and Sherlock and Amy were struggling to pull his hands off him.

Sherlock gasped out, half choking, "Okay! I think we're done now John!"

John hissed savagely, "You would want to remember, Sherlock: I was a soldier. I killed people." Amy had ran to John's right side, and groaned as she attempted to get John's hands, which was wrapped around Sherlock, off him. She groaned, "You were an army doctor!" 

John repiled, "I had bad days!"


After many, many attempts of calming John down, he finally let go of Sherlock. He hastily apologised to him and the trio walked over to Irene's house. According to Sherlock, the plan was that Sherlock and John were friends who were walking down the street, and they got into a physical fight. Amy, who was going to be the police woman, would arrest them, but decided to go to get a first-aid kit first.

As they stopped in front of Irene's house, John said, "Sherlock, are you sure this will work?"

Sherlock repiled harshy as he pressed the intercom button, "Yes. Now keep quiet."

Amy and John shot each other confused looks as they heard a woman say, "Hello?"

Amy watched as Sherlock stared into the camera, wide-eyed and flustered. He started talking in an anxious and tearful voice while looking behind him at John as he spoke, "Sorry to disturb you. Um, I've just been attacked by my friend." He gestured towards John. He continuted, "H-He injured me pretty badly, I think my jaw is broken. Umm, please, could you help me?"

The woman on the other line said, "I can phone the police if you want."

Sherlock said tearfully, still in character, "No, no it's okay! A nice police woman came to my aid." He turned around and looked at Amy, who made eye contact with the camera.

The woman continued, "I can pass you a first-aid kit, if you want."

Sherlock said in his fake voice, "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Holding a handkerchief to his cheek, he started to grizzle pathetically, looking at the side. It took all of Amy's willpower not to laugh, and all of her common sense not to scream at Sherlock because he was being so obvivous that this was a set-up.

A few seconds later, a short buzz was heard and the door was open. Amy uncrossed her arms and put on her 'stern policewoman face', as Sherlock called it and followed into the house after John and Sherlock. 

Still in character, Sherlock glanced around the hallway and looked at the woman, "Thank you!" Amy closed the door after them and said to Kate, "It's okay. I'm a policewoman. I saw it all happen." The woman nodded, a tiny smile on her face.

Amy said again, "Do you have a first aid kit?" The woman gestured to the door closest to the front door and repiled, "In the kitchen. Please."

Sherlock stammered, "Oh! Thank you!" John was about to follow when Amy took out her handcuffs, despite being fake, they looked very much like the real ones. John looked confused as Amy clicked one side of it around his wrist. 

John said, "Am- Madam, what are you doing?" Amy repiled in a stern 'policewoman like' voice, "Arresting you, sir." She dragged him out of the house, and clicked the other the other side around a railing outside, so that he could not move.

John hissed, "Amy, this wasn't part of the plan." She sighed, "I'm sorry John. According to Sherlock, it is." Amy pat him on the shoulder before going back inside. The two of them were funny, she thought, Mrs Hudson told her about her theory about Sherlock being gay, which Amy hated to admit, was probably true. She knew which was cruel, but she liked to wind Sherlock up. Doing all of those flirtly gestures just to see him panic and shoot a look at John, who acted as if he had not just seen it.

Amy sighed. She thought back to her conversation with Mycroft. He said Sherlock had loved her. But it was so many years ago. She ran her hand through her red hair. Amy was leaning against the door, and let out a deep breath. Amy had felt feelings for Sherlock too, during that time. But now, she wasn't sure.


A/N: Hi guys, first author's note. I know I wrote that this happened in 2012, and I was daydreaming in class again, as usual, and I realised that I made a mistake with the dates. This happened in 2011, that's why there was a Christmas party in ASiB. I will go and edit that chapter really quick. I know that Amy didn't leave the Doctor until 2012, but shhhhhh. Anyways, thanks for the 600 reads, and all the votes and comments. If you want any specific interactions to happen between Sherlock and Amy or Amy and John, just comment down below. I am going to add some Christmas-y stuff, so YAY. Hope you all enjoy this kind of short chapter.

Love, Cassie

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