Chapter 9

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Around half an hour later, Amy guessed, she had arrived at her destination. The two men in suits got out of the car and helped Amy open the car door for her. She frowned and glanced around. It was an abandoned warehouse. Who in the world was she meeting? Was she being kidnapped? Sherlock had mentioned that he had enemies, but he was sure that they would not touch her. It hadn't even been one day but someone was already looking for her.

The two men gestured her to walk forward and one of them took the lead, the other guarding her behind. The woman was also behind her. They walked for a few minutes, before they stopped in a large empty room. There was a tall man in a suit with his back to her. He was also holding an umbrella in his hand and twirling it on the floor. 

The woman coughed and said, "Boss, she's here." 

The man scoffed loudly and turned around while saying, "Yes, I could hear that."

He nodded at the men and the woman, and they left the room. That didn't make Amy feel any better, lest safer. What if this weird man had a gun? She stood there fidgeting and playing with her fingers. Amy was annoyed. The man was just studying here. Heck, he wasn't even saying anything.

Amy said, scowling, "Who are you, and why am I here?" 

The man looked at her and smiled, "I'm Mycroft Holmes."

Amy did a double take at his last name. She replied, "Holmes? Mycroft Holmes?"

Mycroft rolled his eyes and nodded walking up and down the room, "Yes. I'm the older brother of Sherlock Holmes. Not that he would have mentioned me."

Amy stood there, still shocked and gaping at Mycroft with wide eyes, "He never told me he had siblings." Mycroft let out an icy chuckle, "Of course he didn't. We have a feud. And I thought you would have known, or guessed."

Amy's frown grew deeper as she said, "What do you mean guessed? I never imagined Sherlock having a brother." Mycroft gave her a cool smile before replying her, "The letters. The phone calls."

She froze, "How did you know about them? I don't even know you!" Mycroft's smile was replaced by an arrogant grin, "I was the one who threw away your letters. I was also the one who blocked your number." 

Amy's eyes narrowed. Who the hell did this Mycroft think he was? Throwing away her letters to Sherlock and blocking her number on their house phone. She stepped closer to him, fists shaking with rage, "Why the hell did you do that?" Amy was no longer being polite and nice and delicate. She was furious.

Mycroft kept the same passive facial expression, "This was the first time I saw him get so emotional. And so emotional over a girl." Amy slowly uncurled her fists and relaxed, "Emotional? Over me? What do you mean?"

Mycroft spoke, "He was crying into his pillow like a baby. He locked himself into his room for days and days after you left. He loved you, you know." Amy's eyes widened.

She stammered, "What the fuck did you mean he loved me? Sherlocks said he will never love anyone. Like, not ever in his life. He couldn't have loved someone like me."

Mycroft chuckled, a mocking one, "He did. I didn't want to see him like this. It was blocking his intellect. So, when your letters started coming, I threw them all away. It would only hurt him more. I also taught him to build a mind palace. He locked away all his memories and feelings about you. And now that you're back, I'm afraid you're going to unlock them again. He's an internet celebrity, him and John. Search up John's blog to read about their cases. I can't let him lose this. His skill."

Amy frowned, she was convinced that Mycroft was a self-centered dick who only cared about his brother's brains, not his actual brother. She glared at him, "So, what do you want me to do? Are you going to chase me out? Because thats defintely not happening." 

Mycroft smiled, he resembled the Joker when he smiled like that. Amy didn't like it. He said, "No. Unless you spy on him for me. I'll give you money." Amy gasped and fired, "What the hell is wrong with you? I'm never doing that. Not on them. Hell no, that's my answer." 

Mycroft crossed his arms, "Okay." Amy blinked in confusion and said, "Okay? Okay what?" He continued, "Okay, I'll let you stay. Be careful though. Sherlock's not telling you about someone. Send her back." At that moment, the men led her back to the car and drove off to 221B. What did Mycroft mean when he said Sherlock wasn't telling her of someone? Did Sherlock have a girlfriend. She hoped not. Amy decided to tell him about this incident, and ask him about that person. Amy sighed.


When Amy finally got back to 221B, it was half past ten. She got her shopping bags and watched as the BMW drove off, to where ever it came from. Amy hurried up to the flat. It was late and dark and cold, she just wanted to take a hot shower and go to sleep. Oh, and talk to Sherlock, of course.

When Amy stepped in, Sherlock was playing his violin again, and John was seated on the couch, looking anxious. He jumped up when Amy placed her bags on the floor. He said while rushing to her, "Amy! Where were you? We were so worried!" Amy cast a look at Sherlock. He did not look that worried. John did though.

Amy managed a weak smile, which was a miracle after that day's events, and repiled, "Don't worry, John. I'm fine." Sherlock had stopped playing his violin and he walked towards her. He looked at her up and down and said, "Where were you?" 

Amy faked a smile as big as possible, and spoke, "Shopping, of course!" Sherlock frowned as he moved his face closer to hers, Amy flinched. He smirked, "I know that. But after that, where did you go?" Amy attempted to think of a lie, because she had lost all her coinfidence about telling them about the incident, but she was defeated. She said, "Your brother called for me."

Sherlock's eyes narrowed and glanced at John before training his eyes on hers, "Mycroft?" Amy nodded and said, "Yeah, him. Or whatever his name was." 

Sherlock sighed and paced around the room, "What did he say?" Amy shrugged as she picked up her shopping bags to go to her room, "Nothing much. Just that he wanted me to spy on you. Which I declined." 

Sherlock rolled his eyes as he laid back down on the couch, "You made the same mistake of John. You should have accepted. We could have spilt the money." Amy walked into her room and said loudly so that Sherlock could hear her, "Yeah. Well. It's too late now." She didn't want to mention him 'loving' her or whatever. Mycroft might have been lying.

John stopped at the doorway of her room and said, "You might want to quickly get to sleep. Tomorrow is a busy day." Amy frowned at John as she placed the clothes she bought into the closet, "What's happening tomorrow?"

John gave Amy a warm smile before walking away, "Clients."

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