Something like that

45 2 0

p.o.v tobias

i sit in science. I remember when me and bea were 12, and  my mom took us to the county fair. we stayed till dark, then  i hear a voice from the past a few rows back.

" i bet you don't remember me" tris or should i say bea says

" only every other memory i had a barbecue stain on my white t- shirt you were killing me in that mini skirt. skipping rocks on the river by the railroad tracks. you had a suntan line and red lipstick. i worked so hard for that first kiss and a heart don't forget something like that."

she smiles and is about to say something but then the teacher comes in.

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now tris and i are in art. the teacher said " to draw what ever we want"

i drawing the ferris wheel. i look over at what tris is draw it is an eye and at the bottom it says only certain people can hear my cries. i wonder what that mean, the bell rings.

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i wake to muffled screaming. i look out the widow and see nothing so i go back to bed. Think I just  made it up.

p.o.v. tris.

as soon as the bell rings for the end of the day, i run out the door to go Dauntless Dinner, as soon as i get thought the door i see Dakota my boss.

" tris, your late" she says 

" i know i am still trying to save up for a car."

i go to the back to change into my uniform, i work till six,  after 2 hours of taking order.  Dakota leaves. i have 1 hour till closing . a few more people come in. we have 5 minutes till we close. a person who looks drunk comes in and order a coffee. i get it to him. a few minute later he still hasn't even touched it.

" sir it time to leave"

" don't tell me what to do"

" sir you really need to leave, it's after closing, i will pay for your coffee."

he comes towards me and tries to punch me, so i scream hoping someone useful will hear me. luckily  someone does. the person get the man off of me. i look to Zeke.

" thank you"

" your welcome, I have to go see you tomorrow."

Before he walks out he gives me a hug and i close up the dinner. running as fast as i can home hoping i not that late. i get home and run to to unlock the door. 

" your 30 minutes late, you know the drill"

i go to my room and take my shirt off. i hear as he unslides his belt from his pants. he starts to hit me with it 1.....5.........10......20.........30  i start to lose Consciousness at 30. i wake up a few hour later . i get me supplies to clean my back off. as i clean my back off I lean on my bed to muffle my screams. then i slowly get up off the ground and lay on my stomach on the bed and let sleep take me.

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