Chapter 1

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"What can I get you?" The barman asked as I slid into a stool by the bar in the Emerald City Bar. It will be the beginning of my surgical internship at Seattle Grace Hospital tomorrow, I'm extremely nervous. I try not to act nervous, but believe me, I am. I'm not sure why, I should be confident, what with being brought up around three surgeons, a plastic surgeon, a neuro surgeon, and a neo-natal surgeon. 

"Just a beer, please." I replied, and he nodded. 

"Coming right up." he said. 

The barman handed me a bottle of beer, and immediately I took a large swig from it. I looked around, looking to see everyone around me. It was my very first night in Seattle, after living in New York my whole life. I'd finally escaped from the terrible excuse of parents I had. They were addicts, left me and my older brother, Mark, to starve. Mark was 13 when I was born, and he was my best friend. He was more like a dad to me than anyone else. I felt bad for leaving New York, but I had to go.  

I scanned the people sitting around the bar, and I caught a guy with short-brown hair, cute brown eyes, and an obnoxious smirk staring at me. He was really hot. Like really, goddamn attractive. 

He caught me staring back at him, and he grinned to himself. He downed the last of his beer, then he hopped off of his stool, and swaggered over to the empty stool next to mine. 

"Like what you see?" he flirted, still smirking at me. I raised my eyebrows, and sniggered.

"Sure." I replied, drinking my beer. 

"Me too." he said, still with the same smirk. He was blatantly checking me out. Not to sound arrogant or big-headed, but I knew I was attractive. Long, brown hair, big blue eyes with long eyelashes, the 'Sloan' nose, pale skin and a good body. 

"Thanks, I guess." I smiled, as he sat down on the stool next to mine. 

"Do you have a name?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.

"No, I don't." I said, sarcasm in my tone. He smirked again. 

"I'm Alex. Alex Karev." Alex introduced himself. 

"I'm Maia. Maia Sloan." I said. He smirked yet again. 

"Do you live in Seattle?" Alex asked. 

"What, is this twenty questions? And, to answer your question, as of this morning I do, yeah." I replied. 

"Do you have a place to stay?" he pestered. 

"I'm currently living in the hotel next door to here. What about you? Where do you stay?" 

"Same. You know, I'm thinking of heading back there now..." he said, looking at me with hope in his cute brown eyes. 

I looked back at him, and thought 'what the hell', and then I slammed a five dollar bill down on the bar, I grabbed my bag, shoved it on my shoulder, and then he grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of the bar. 

We ran to the hotel, and into an elevator. Luckily, the elevator was empty, and so we rushed inside of it, and he quickly pressed the numbered button which would take us to the floor he was staying on. 

After pressing the button, he turned around to look back at me, and placed his hands on my hips, then shoved me up against the wall, and smashed his lips against mine. 

I threw my arms around his neck, and kissed back. He then proceeded to kiss my neck, and I gripped a handful of his hair. 

The elevator dinged, and the doors opened, and then Alex lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he basically ran to his room. He quickly unlocked his door, then he slammed it shut, then we both tangled, and landed in a heap on his bed.

I Shouldn't Love You Anymore | Alex Karev |Where stories live. Discover now