Chapter 4

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"Addie?" I repeated, still in stunned shock. She sighed, and nodded, as if confirming her sudden appearance. 

My mouth hung open in an 'O' shape. Truth be told, I hadn't thought of Addison since New York. Addison had become a memory of the past, no matter how much of a good friend she was to me. 

Addison had been one of the only people who had actually liked me for who I was. I'd met Addison when I was around thirteen, and at first, she seemed really snooty, snobby, like she didn't take any particular interest in anyone's life but hers. But quite soon, I'd warmed up to her charm and charisma. 

She started asking me questions, first, it was the simple, "how are you?", but then that developed into long conversations in which I could vent to her all of my troubles, and she would do the same in return. 

Years passed, and we developed a close friendship. When she and Derek got married, I was one of her bridesmaids. She was as close to a sister as I was gonna get. 

Addison walked over to me, with that same glamour and confidence as I remember her having. She gently dragged the stool out that was next to mine, and she dropped her expensive handbag with a sigh, and looked at the vodka shot which I was eyeing so desperately out of the corner of my eye. 

She looked from the vodka shot to me, and then back to the vodka shot. Then with her delicate, million dollar hand, swiftly lifted the shot to her lips and downed the content. The niggling sensation in my fingertips and stomach vanished, and now the vodka was gone, I could breathe out in relief. 

"Tough night?" Addison asked. I nodded my head slowly. 

"You could say that." I said drily. 

"Tell me everything." 

And then, we walked back to her hotel room, and just like old times, we both laid on each side of her bed and vented to each other. 

"And then George just casually reveals that Alex cheated on me with some slutty nurse! Not to mention the fact that this guy gave me syphilis! Syphilis! I mean, come on, what a, a.." I struggled for the correct word.

"Manwhore?" Addison offered.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed. 

"Guys are jerks." she stated flatly. I nodded in agreement. She sighed dramatically, before a new thought crossed her mind.

"Maia, I want you to tell me everything you know about Meredith Grey." Addison said. So Addie must know about Meredith and Derek. I had to be honest. I'd known Addison way longer than I'd known Meredith, and like I said, Addison was like my sister. But I couldn't paint Meredith in a bad way, simply because she was the girl who Derek fell in love with after Addison. 

"Um, well, she's in my intern group. I actually stay at her house, I pay rent. She's Ellis Grey's daughter. She's nice. She's smart. Imaginative." I said, trying to list as many of her personality traits as I could. Addison made a 'hmph' noise, as if she was disappointed that Derek had moved on with someone... good. 

"And, is she some sort of rebound, or does Derek love her?" Addison asked. I dithered. 

"Um, well, they seem to be pretty much in love?" I said, almost as if it were a question. Addison sighed, and stood up, and trotted over to her minibar. She pulled out a bottle of expensive-looking red wine, and then she found two wine glasses.

"You don't have a problem with wine, do you?" Addison questioned. I shook my head.

"Only spirits." I reminded her. She nodded, then poured us both a large glass. She handed me a glass, and immediately we both took a big swig from our glasses. We needed it.

I Shouldn't Love You Anymore | Alex Karev |Where stories live. Discover now