Chapter 12

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I groaned, my cellphone was ringing. It was only 7:00pm, yet I'd been working all that day and I needed sleep, so naturally I was in bed. Alex was asleep, rolled over next to me. He was grumpy that his Jane Doe wasn't getting any better. I checked the Caller ID before answering to see whether it was worth accepting the call, and the caller was Callie. I mumbled something about being a good friend and then answered. 

"Oh thank God, I was worried you weren't gonna answer. Are you busy?" Callie said straight away, she sounded like she'd been crying. I immediately became worried, wondering if somebody had been in an accident or something. I sat upright, becoming more awake and alert. 

"Callie, what is it? What's wrong? Do you need me at the hospital?" I asked, my insides turning upside down with the feeling of dread and worry. I really, really hoped that nobody had died or been in an accident. 

"Can you come over to my place, please? I'll explain to you when you get here." she said, still crying. I glanced at a sleeping Alex, and then nodded to myself. Callie sounded like she really needed someone, and she was calling me, so I guessed that the person would happen to be me. 

"Sure, I'll be there in around three quarters of an hour, okay? See you, then." I said, and then she said goodbye and hung up. I bent down, kissed the side of Alex's head, and sent his cellphone a text message so if I wasn't back when he awoke, he would know where I was.

I was dressed in a sweatshirt and sweatpants, so I piled my hair onto the top of my head in a bun, pulled some sneakers on, and grabbed some coffee before leaving the house. I yawned deeply, then put the key in the ignition in my car, and sped to Callie and George's apartment. I rushed to Callie and I walked right in, I knew she wouldn't mind. She was sat on her bed, looking deep in thought. She wasn't crying anymore, at least. Her eyes snapped over to me, and she instantly stood up. I walked over to her, and hugged her tightly. 

"What's the matter, Doctor Badass?" I asked, trying to cheer her up. It wasn't much, but she provided a small smile so I knew that she appreciated an attempt to lift her spirits. 

"George, it's George. I know, I know that deep down, Izzie loves him. Then, he laughed at me for suggesting that such a beautiful person like Izzie would love him." she said, looking at the ceiling. I was about to say a word of comfort to Callie, but she interrupted and started venting. 

"And I mean, so like, I'm not beautiful enough for him? It doesn't blow his mind that I love him? He doesn't feel that lucky that someone like me should love him? I'm not amazing like Izzie? If he thinks all this about flawless Izzie, then why doesn't he go be with her?" she started sobbing, and all I could do at that moment was hug her. A simple hug could do wonders, because her sobs calmed down, and she sniffled, and the sobs ended. She pulled away from the hug, and I could almost see her break. Her self-esteem crumbled away, her confidence levels dropping. Who would have thought that sweet George O'Malley could affect someone in such a terrible way? 

Eventually, Callie and I decided that the best way to help her feelings was to have a good old girls night in. We ordered takeout, rented all of our favorite chick-flicks, and bought large tubs of ice cream. After around the second movie, Callie seemed to have cheered up considerably. She was still full of sorrow, but she was a lot better than the state I found her in.

At around 1 am, I was paged into the hospital 911, so I had no choice but to leave Callie on her own. I promised her I'd text her when I arrived at the hospital, but I felt that bad that Callie didn't have anybody to lean on, but she seemed to have found a solution just as I was leaving. 

"It's okay, Maia, I'll just call Addison and see if she's available." she said, giving me a small smile. Addison and I still hadn't resolved our dispute, and I didn't know when we were going to resolve it. Addison seemed pretty adamant that I be the one to apologize first, although all I did was call her a home-wrecker, compared to her forcing herself on my boyfriend. But then again, I could be quite obstinate and stubborn when I wanted to be. 

I Shouldn't Love You Anymore | Alex Karev |Where stories live. Discover now