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"Yona!" I heard a voice behind me while walking in the hallway, I knew exactly who it was but I ignored it anyway. The voice finally caught up to me and stood in front looking at me in the eyes.

"What do you want, Suwon?" I hissed.

He let out a sigh and gave me a hug. "I miss you, please come back."

Those words were the words I wanted to hear over and over again, but for some reason I didn't feel anything when he said them. They didn't make my heart melt like I thought they would, instead all I kept thinking of was Hak.

"Baka. Like I would go back to you, you used me then stomped on my heart." I tried to get out of his embrace but he was too strong.

"I love you, Yona. Please come back."

Love was such a strong word, I knew he didn't really love me or else he never would have hurt me the way he did. I finally wiggled my way away from him and gave him a glare that he's never seen before.

I scoffed. "As if, you don't even know the definition of love. Besides, I don't love you. In fact I hate you, so goodbye."

He grabbed my arm before I could walk away and turned me to him. "You were in love with me, you even told the other members. What happened?"

"You happened, you broke my heart. I moved on." I snapped.

"To Hak? You say he's your boyfriend, but you don't love him. I know you, Yona. He isn't anything more than douch-"

Whoever was in the hallway just witnessed me slapping Suwon across the face with tears in my eyes. 

"Don't you ever talk about him like that, you are the douche bag here not him! He has been there for me since I could remember, you used me. He would never have the heart to ever use me, he cares for who I am, Suwon. Hak.. He.. He is someone I care about, someone I cherish greatly, someone I don't want to lose, someone I love." I was shocked with myself saying those words, honestly I didn't even know I did love him.

Suwon laughed not loosening the grip around my wrist and pulled me closer to him. "You don't love him, you love me."

"Let her go."

We both turned our heads to see Hak with his band members behind him, they were furious giving Suwon death glares. He pulled me against his chest and chuckled to Hak, raising a brow at him.

"You think you can just take her away from me?"

Hak snickered. "I know I can, so either you let her go or I will beat you so badly you wont be able to walk for months."

Without hesitation Suwon gave me up throwing me on the ground. "We will settle this at the band battle, we will see who is the best. If we win, I'm taking her back." He walked away as if nothing happened. 

The guys all helped me up when Jeno gave me a smile. "Are you okay, Yona?"

"Fine, I just wanted to punch him so bad." They laughed at my comment and we started walking to the dorms. Hak and I stayed behind the others awkwardly, I kept hoping he didn't hear what I said in the hallway. And lets not forget that stupid kiss from the other day! Oh my god, what was happening to me!?

He finally cleared his throat. "I feel the same way."

I stopped in my tracks realizing what he meant, he was practically answering my confession I gave to Suwon earlier. He stopped seeing I wasn't beside him anymore and looked back at me tilting his head.

"You heard.."

He nodded. "Was it true? Because I feel that way towards you, always have."

My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest, I gave him a small smile and jumped into his arms wrapping myself around him. The guys all turned around hooting and hollering while shouting our names. I cupped his face and gave him a sweet soft kiss, he smiled holding my back for support.

"Does that answer your question?" I laughed as he put me down and intertwined our fingers together. 

He laughed. "You don't know how long I've waited for you."

We both chuckled as we walked back, having my hand in his was the safest feeling I've ever had and I could have it forever. Oh Hak, I promise you I will make you happy. I love you so much, hope we can be happy together.

Dragons Of The Sky (Yona x Hak fanfic from Yona Of The Dawn! :3)Where stories live. Discover now