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The boys had been in a band for quite some time now. Louis still remembers how excited he was to make it in the big leagues when their hit single 'What makes you beautiful' hit number one worldwide. Louis thought that that would be the highlight of his career. Boy was he wrong. They had come so far since 2010, and Louis often wondered how much further their band would go, four years was a long time for the band to have lived for. They had an amazing life, Louis never doubted that, but he did wish there was something he could change; their management for example. They weren't bad at their job, but they were much too controlling towards the boy's personal life for their liking. Louis remembers the day they were in a meeting with management just after x-factor, and they had told Louis, Liam and Harry that they weren't allowed to be in heavily involved relationships, reasons because it wouldn't go down well with the fans. Louis thought that was extremely unfair and uncalled for; though there was nothing they could really do about it at the time. Niall and Zayn were allowed to date seriously because they were betas and that was 'different'. Louis rolled his eyes. Zayn was no longer with the band, Louis sighed. He'd found his mate and management didn't like that. Thought that didn't stop Zayn from perusing his career and Louis was so happy for him to be writing his own music and still performing. Louis only hopes that someday he would have that same freedom, with someone he loved by his side.

He was awaken from his thoughts as a stage hand comes in and tells the boys that they were due on stage very soon. Louis was the last one having his hair styled and the others were either relaxing or prepping.

"Harry? I didn't know you were in a relationship with Cara Delevingne?" Niall snickered whilst displaying his phone to Harry. "For god sake! I get photographed with anyone, and I'm suddenly dating them?!" Harry threw himself back into the lounge in frustration.

Louis just smiled absentmindedly. He knows that there were feelings between him and Harry; he just wasn't sure how serious they were.

"Alright guys, I'm going to need you all to come out and get into your positions to go on stage." The stage hand came back, trying to sound as stern as he can, probably trying to act tougher in front of Liam and Harry considering he's only a beta.

The boys followed the stage hand out to their platforms where they'd rise up onto stage. Liam and Harry in the middle and Louis and Niall on their outsides, all pin pointed by managements plan for the bands image. They were given a countdown and boosted onto the stage, the screams rising as they did.


"That was good guys. Well done" Liam complemented. Louis felt his stomach go fuzzy at the alphas praise. Louis was so lucky to be in a band with alphas like Liam and Harry.

Neither has ever made Louis feel inferior. Not on purpose anyway. They may get a little aggressive when they are coming close to going through rut. But other than that, they help protect Louis from alpha fans who can seduce him with their alpha voices and superiority.

As the boys leave the stadium the paparazzi are outside ready for them. This always makes Louis a little nervous.

"Louis over here"

"Hey omega, look at me!"

"Tomlinson, you smell amazing", are only a few of the things shouted at Louis daily.

The boys are swept into their cars and go to their hotel for the night.

So I really don't want any negative comments about how some of these things aren't true, I'm not really paying attention to specific dates and time frames (Zayn leaving in 2014 for example) so please don't judge me on that.
Also things about management and the band, also things I've made up for this story, just a story for fun. I'm all for positive comments and feedback, but I don't think any negativity needed, because there is a difference between 'constructive criticism' and 'mean comments'.
Thank you for reading. :)
I wanted to do another alpha harry, omega Louis story. But I didn't want to do another where they're in high school. So I'm giving this a whirl, I hope it turns out ok. Let me know what you think?


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