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Harry was in the middle of stage rehearsal when he got a text.

Harry was in the middle of stage rehearsal when he got a text

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Harry sighed. He'd forgot all about Taylor. Probably because he wasn't in New York any more, and also because things were going so great with Louis. They were actually talking, and being friends. Though the two had yet to sit and talk about their 'relationship status' since the day in the recording studio.

Harry looked over at the other three, still out on stage. Harry really didn't want to tell them that Taylor would be here. Especially Louis. He seemed to be in such a good mood, Harry watched from side stage at Louis and Niall, messing around with the lyrics, Harry almost didn't have the heart to tell Louis that Taylor would be there tonight.

But he knew Louis would be so upset of he saw her there and knew Harry didn't tell him. Harry slowly made his way over to the omega, trying to waste time. Trying to think of what to say. He didn't want to upset Louis, especially since they'd been having such a good time these last few days.

Louis would finally sit next to Harry. At home, in interviews (which management were not happy about). They were talking again, like best friends, and Harry can't describe how much they missed that. They were affectionate, they sneakily touched one another whenever they could.

But maybe Louis wouldn't care? Maybe he could see that harry cared for him and he'd just know that Taylor wasn't Harrys choice. Harry sighed, he couldn't risk it. He needed to warn Louis. Harry knows if it were the other way around he wouldn't like it Louis didn't warn him about Eleanor.

He mentally prepared himself for a potential disappointed Louis face, and he started walked toward omega. Harry tapped on Louis's shoulder, making the omega turn around, Harry saw the way Louis' eyes lit up when their eyes met, he felt weak at the knees. "Alrighty boys, back to work. That break took longer than expected, we're on a tight schedule." The choreographer snapped his fingers, joining the boys on the stage.

Louis begun to walk to his spot on the stage, but Harry grabbed his upper arm. "Uh Louis, I need to tell-" Harry began before he was interrupted. "Styles! No talking! We're on a tight schedule." The choreographer spat, annoyed. Harry let out a low growl, but complied none the less.

The boys actually dance, choreography sessions are more like, 'do this this when this song is playing' sort of thing. Harry and Louis barely crossed paths thus far, and Harry was growing more anxious, he couldn't concentrate. They were in the middle of 'Heart attack' Louis walked by him and Harry stopped him again, "Louis, Tay-"

"Harry! Thats it. Go to hair and make up now, you're done for the day." The choreographer rubbed his temples. "Good." Harry barked. He hated to be bossed around, maybe it's his inner alpha. Harry stormed off, he looked back and Louis looked puzzled. Harry sighed, turned his head and kept walking. He made his way to the dressing room where their stylists were all sitting around chatting.

They all looked surprised to see him. He just stormed to his chair and sat down harshly. Harrys stylist walked over warily, "Is everything okay Harry?" She asked, placing a hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Harry looked up at the girl, who looked half scared and half concerned, and Harry sighed and gave a simple nod. He didn't like when people getting scared of him, he wouldn't hurt anyone. Unless necessary.

Niall, Louis and Liam walked in about five minutes later, looking nothing out of the ordinary. They walked to their own chairs and the stylists begun to work their magic. Harry glanced over at Louis, who was looking at him, questions swimming in his blue eyes. Harry went to stand up but was pushed back down by his stylist. "I'm no where near done." She sassed at the alpha, who sat down with a huff and an adorable pout.


"Are you enjoying yourselves tonight, Los Angeles?!" Harry shouts at the audience, earning cheers in return. He smiled, part of him would never get used to the continuous support and dedication of the fans.

"Great!" Niall takes over, his most dazzling smile set on his face. "We've got a few more songs for you L.A. And this ones called 'happily'." Niall walked over to his place on stage as the guitar riff starts to play.

Louis taps his foot as he watches Harry prepare for his solo. 'You don't understand, you don't understand.' Harry glanced back at Louis, catching a glimpse of the omegas shiny blue eyes before he ducked his head in attempt to mask his pink cheeks.

Harry turned back to the audience, with a smile at the thought if the cute omega. 'What you do to me when you hold his hand.' His smile then faded after he sang that line. Probably because he thought of Eleanor. Stupid Eleanor, trying to steel his Louis.

The song continued and Harry tried not to think of the lyrics in a personal matter. The song finished and was followed by 'better than words' and 'kiss you'. It was at the end of their last song that Louis spotted Taylor, standing behind the curtains on the side stage, bopping along to the tunes.

Louis felt his face drop, he'd almost forgotten about Taylor. Things had be going so well, but he guessed they had to wake up from this dream and face reality sooner or later. He just wished it could have been later.


The boys walked off the stage, the crowd still roaring. The stage hands passing them clean towels and water bottles. Louis made sure to thank them, they were a big help and everyone deserves nice manners. They all talked amongst themselves, until a female voice was heard.

"Great show tonight boys" They all turned their head to look at the tall blonde. "Taylor!" Harry looked like a deer caught in headlights. Taylor looked at him in a puzzled manner. He walked towards her and kissed her cheek, "I forgot you were coming" he laughed nervously.

He turned around to look for louis, but he and Niall were no longer there. Liam had started talking to Taylor, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts. He wished this didn't have to happen. At least the boys knew he didn't choose for this to happen. They'd understand. Right?

Yay for updates! 😁🎉🙌


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