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"What were you thinking?! You've ruined all our plans Harry! Some we've already booked and payed for!" Stanley was waving his arms around and shouting at the alpha who simply sat in the chair with his arms crossed, awaiting his turn to speak. "I was thinking about how I've been put in a situation that makes me and others uncomfortable, and how I've had enough of lying to everyone." Harry shrugged as if it were obvious.

Stanley was staring at Harry, pure rage seen through his eyes and loosened his tie. The alpha was frightening, Harry would admit that much. He was one of the higher up alphas in modest management, and though there were many intimidating alphas who worked there, Stanley was one of the most controlling and actually scary alphas of the lot.

But Harry was sick of being pushed around by these other alphas. He was an alpha too, and he was going to take control of his life. He needed to show them he wasn't going to be pushed around without a fight.

"Harry. You knew the rules about the; arrangement. The band's reputation could be in trouble. Can you live with yourself if anything happens?" The man looked smugly at Harry, who couldn't help but bare his teeth at the old man, a low growl forming in the back of his throat.

Suddenly some more grumpy men in suits came into the conference room. They all sat around the conference table, not saying a word. Stanley sighed and pinched the top of his nose in frustration. "Harry, we need to sort out your mistake. You can leave now." He muttered, using his free hand to make a 'shoo' gesture him towards the door.

Harry took a deep breath, trying to keep in mind that these men are very much in charge of his career for the time being. But on the other hand, he was just bluntly disrespected. "If you think I'm just gonna walk out of here and continue taking orders from you dickheads! You're poorly mistaken." He shouted at the men who were shocked and just looking back and forth between one another. Harry groaned in aggravation and stormed out of the office.

He opened the door to the outside the building and he internally screamed. There was a bunch of paps standing ready for his arrival. He was already in a bad mood and they would only make it worse.

"Harry! Harry!"

"Harry what's going on with you and Taylor?"

"What's the title of the break up song?"

"Did you cheat on Taylor?"

"How does Taylor feel about this?"

Harry decided to ditch them all and run back into the building. He ran towards the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. As the doors slowly shut, Harry let himself go and felt a tear slip down his cheek. The alpha turns and punches the metal wall of the elevator. He let out a frustrated grunt that came out as a sob and he slid down the wall and curled in on himself.

The stress and frustration of the whole situation was become a little too much to handle for him. And to make matters worse, instead of his first intensions of bringing Louis closer to him, it's ended up having the opposite effect. Louis was avoiding him, and acting so different now. Though he couldn't blame him. He did confess his love for the omega and then go back to 'dating' Taylor straight away.

While the elevator rose to the top floor, Harry let himself cry it out. He knew that he was an alpha, and he was meant to be strong, but there was nothing wrong with feeling sad every once in a while. He was only human. He was internally shouting at himself, because he'd caused this problem himself. He was the one who went in to their management, stupidly thinking that he could get their permission to be with Louis. As if they'd let him. And the fact that they had to ask for these things, things they should have their own right to, showed that their management was wrong.

And before he could think any further than that, the elevator doors opened. Shit. He heard the gears and belts working to open the doors that would open to show Harry, sitting in this state. And even with that in mind, Harry couldn't find the energy to stand up, or even wipe his tears for that matter. So he stayed sitting on the floor in the corner of that elevator, curled in on himself, sobbing quietly. When he heard a gasp come from the other side of the now open doors, he thought he would look up to see a fan jumping up and down at the sight of him. And that may be arrogant of him to say, but that was his reality.

So when he heard an all too familiar voice mutter "Oh Harry." in that voice, he let the tears flow once again. Once Harry felt a body slide down the wall next to him, he pulled his head out of his arms and looked at Josh, whose face screamed pity. But at the moment, Harry couldn't care less. He needed someone to talk to, and just give him a hug. Even if it couldn't be the one he so desperately wanted...


Back at the hotel, Niall and Louis were filling Liam in on yesterday's events.

They were currently in the lounge room, Louis and Niall sitting across from Liam, telling him everything. "And they asked about Taylor and he was quiet for a second, probably thinking it over in his head, then he said 'actually, Taylor and I aren't together anymore!' Can you believe it Liam. He actually said that, on telly!" Niall exclaimed, the shock still very fresh in his voice.

"I'm gone one week. One week! And you do this!" Meanwhile, as Niall and Liam keep on ranting about it all, Louis had tuned them out a while back. He has been staring into space for a good ten minutes, not knowing how to feel, or what to think. He wonders where Harry is, and what he's doing right now. He wonders if he's okay. He wants to talk with him, ask what this all means. But he doesn't quite know what he'd say to the alpha. It may not even have anything to do with Louis at all. Still. Harry was more important than his pride. He needed to know he was okay. He stood up from the lounge and walked into his room, ignoring Liam and Niall's presence.

"What do you think he's doing?" Liam asked, and Niall sighed, "I think he's very confused at the moment."

Louis shut the door behind him, and pulled out his phone, and he dialled Harry's number, putting the phone up to his ear, biting his nails as the phone begins to ring.

Harry was in the middle of talking to Josh when his phone rang. They had since made their way to Josh's apartment, only a few blocks away from modest HQ. He pulled it out of his pocket and stared at the screen, Louis's name haunting him. "Are you going to answer that?" Josh asked, looking from Harry's phone to his face. Harry was frozen; he didn't know what to say to him. He pressed the red button and slid the phone back into his pocket. He couldn't face Louis. Not just yet.

Harry's voicemail rang through Louis's ear. The omega sighed sadly and hung up the phone. He threw his phone across the room and pulled at his hair in frustration. He needed to see Harry. The omega let himself fall on the bed. He stared at the roof, praying the he'd get some sleep tonight.

Hi guys, I'm a lazy shit, I know. In saying that, I'd like to thank the people who comment their thoughts and excitement for future chapters. So thank you.
Also, I'd like to hear your thoughts on who Liam's mystery lover is! I know fair few of you think it's Zayn, and even if you do, comment it! I'd like to know who you think it is and why. Thanks guys! :) xoxo


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