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'Harry Styles and Taylor Swift: new power couple'

'Taylor say's Harry's the sweetest alpha she knows'

'"She's beautiful, like her a lot" Styles tell daily mail.'

There was article after article coming out about 'Haylor' and Louis felt like he couldn't escape them. They were all over social media, and she came to a lot more of their concerts now. Louis has grown distaste for the beta star. She's taking up all of Harry's free time. And to make matters worse, management have cracked down on him and Harry being seen together in public.

They weren't allowed to sit together in interviews, for photos, they weren't even allowed to walk too close to each other. And it was affecting their relationship. Things were becoming awkward for the two, they knew they had feelings for each other, all the boys did. The only thing was; they didn't know what to do about it.

Louis was becoming lonely and depressed so he started talking to Eleanor again. He apologised to her and told her he only wanted to be friends. She seemed to accept it all just fine.

Louis was getting off the plane, and Eleanor was meant to be picking him up. She was still bossy, but that was the inner alpha in her. She was a good friend to Louis, and he needed some distractions lately, which she was good for.

Louis found his luggage, rolling it along, trying not to look as miserable as he feels. He took a flight a day earlier than the other boys, to avoid Liam and even Niall, you could just see the pity in their eyes every time they were around Louis. But it was Harry and Taylor he was avoiding most of all.

He spotted Eleanor standing amongst the other people awaiting the passengers from the flight. She glanced up from her phone and smiled as she caught sight of Louis; though she tilted her head and gave him a sympathetic smile once she caught sight of the omega's sad face. Louis mustered up enough energy to lift his mouth into a small grin. He really needed this time away from the boys.


"Did you see that pap!? Oh my god, I can't believe he walked right into that pole!" Eleanor got out between laughs; the two were sitting in Eleanor's car in hysterics. "Serves 'em right! For trying to follow us around." Louis smirked. A good tummy laugh is what Louis needed. The more he hung out with Eleanor as a friend, the better he got to know her and realise that she wasn't so bad.

Although Louis thinks Harry having a go at her may have made her act different around him now. But he doesn't mind, he likes this Eleanor better. The two had to pull the car over so their laughing didn't cause an accident. The pair finally settled down and pulled back out onto the highway, just as Louis was about to take off his constricting sneakers, El pulled into the curb and Louis looked up to see a Starbucks store.

It was kind of their thing to get Starbucks together. Although they hadn't hung out that much, every time they had they always managed to get Starbucks. A small smile grew on Louis's thin lips and he turned around to look at the Alpha, who gave him a much more meaningful smile.

They were spotted by some fans and took some photos with them before biding them goodbye and entering the store. They got a few stares but no one approached them while inside the store. Louis felt appreciative of that, he might be able to sit and talk with El and feel like a normal person.

Louis ordered a chocolate frappe, Eleanor got a chai latte and they got a slice of toasted banana bread to share. The two sat with their drinks and awaited the banana bread. "So Louis there was something I wanted to talk to you about" Eleanor uttered as she stirred around the froth into her latte, avoiding Louis' eyes.

"Of course" Louis spoke sceptically, he was curious as to what she'd say. The alpha raised her head to make eye contact with the omega; she sighed and dropped her spoon onto the saucer. "Louis I want to apologise. The way I've acted, it's not me, and it's unacceptable. I shouldn't ever treat you like you're any less than me, because you're not. And I've learnt that by spending time with you, and now I know how great you are. And I don't want you to think that's the sort of person I am. I really want to be your friend." She finished with a relieved smile.

Louis wasn't exactly expecting that, but he appreciated it. "Thanks El. I'd love to be friends with you. I just hope you don't mind the press taking our photo together and making up stories about us being in a relationship." Louis grimaced. The alpha chuckled. "I don't mind, we can set them straight." She playfully nudged the omega giving him a wink.


Eleanor drove Louis to his hotel room, it was already afternoon and the other boys would be here tomorrow and Louis was looking forward to having some alone time. He swiped his key in the lock of the door and pushed it open with back as he picked up his bag, spinning around as the door shut behind him.

He carried his bag into a room, not really caring which at this point. There were only three rooms in their suit, he wondered why, but didn't think about it too much. He sat on the bed and pulled out his phone, his finger ghosted above the twitter app icon, before he thought about all the 'Haylor' content that would be all over his feed.

He dropped the phone and threw himself back onto the bed. He let out a huff of air, and rubbed his eyes. He wasn't supposed to be stressed, he came here to have a day away from the stress. He stared at the ceiling. He wanted to calm himself down. He closed his eyes, squeezing them shut. He was here alone, he might as well.

He scooted up the bed and sat against the headboard, and reached into his pants to touch himself. He closed his eyes and wrapped his hand around his member, thinking of what it'd be like if it were Harry's hand touching him. His dick perked up at the thought and the omega bit his lip. He imagined Harry, on his knees, looking up at him, his green eyes shining and full of lust.

Louis let out a grunt and started stroking himself, he picturing Harry licking his lips and leaning in towards Louis's naked cock, roaching up and grabbing the base before taking in Louis's whole length, he could practically feel his head hit the back of Harrys throat. Louis moaned and quickened his pace. He was now fully erect and his imagination was vivid and driving his wild.

Harry would then bob his head up and down Louis' cock, looking up at the omega as he did so. But then Harry, being the slut he is, wouldn't be able to contain himself and he's close his eyes and moan around Louis. Louis bucked his hips, imagining his cock hitting the back of Harry's throat, but Harry would take it and he'd moan and pick up his pace. He'd look up at Louis and sink further down until his nose was on Louis' groin.

Louis moaned he pictured Harry grabbing a hold of his balls, fondling them as his pace quickened around Louis. And he just couldn't take it anymore. Louis moaned out a stuttered 'harry' and spurted out over his stomach.

Louis' breathing was erratic. He was trying to calm himself down from his high. He tried getting the thought of Harry out of his head. But the beautiful alpha was hard to forget.

I find it interesting looking back on the chapter that you started to write when you weren't really in the mood, and seeing the difference between the days you actually want to write.
So I haven't written smut in a LONG time, so please let me know how you think it was, should I keep doing it or avoid it. I know some of you were asking me to write some so I thought I'd start small, hope it wasn't bad or anything.


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