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Once management had found out Zayn was around the boys, they gave the a few days off, now that they were more focused on getting the new album ready and rapping up their tour. So they all were hanging out in the hotel they were staying at since they couldn't go very far anyway.

Liam and Zayn were very cute together, it's a wonder the boys hadn't seen it earlier. Liam was so different when Zayn was around, his alpha instincts so prominent in comparison to everyday life. So Harry liked to stir the pot a little, and tease Liam, giving him a taste of what it feels like when you have another alpha around your omega.

He would stand to close to Zayn, and he'd sniff the air when Zayn was around. Though he never touched; he knew his limits, and he didn't have a death wish. Though, Liam wasn't the only alpha getting antsy and overly protective these first few days.

Everyone knows that Louis and Zayn were always good friends. And it seems that hadn't changed. Now that Zayn was back in their lives, the two of them were right back to being best buds, and Harry felt jealous, and he knew it was silly, especially now that they were dating, but he still couldn't help but feel a little sad that Zayn was steeling Louis attention away from him.


They five boys sat in the lounge room of their suite, playing the Xbox. Niall had the controller as he finished playing one of the games, he looked over at Louis, who had the other controller, "Fifa?" He wiggled his brows, and Louis smiled widely at the blonde beta, "Fifa!"

So the two played while Zayn and Liam sat in the love chair all snuggled up together. Harry frowned, he wondered how nice it would be to be bonded. Of course he knew exactly who he wanted to be bonded to, but he promised Louis they would take it slowly. Louis deserves romance, and Harry was going to give it to him. He it was just hard to wait when he already knew what he wanted.


Zayn had a recording session in the studio today, and he asked the boys to come along. They all happily agreed, except Niall, who 'would rather go golfing than be the fifth wheel'.

So Liam, Harry and Louis all hopped in one car, and Zayn on the other, had to ride in a different car, seeing as the public still has to think that the boys don't talk anymore. So there they were, on their way to the studio. Harry sitting in the middle with Louis curled up to his side, resting his head on Harry's shoulder as he napped, and Liam sitting on his other side.

"So how are things going with you and Lou anyway? I've been so busy catching up with Zayn to observe you two." Liam said with a sly smirk. Harry rolled his eyes at his friend, "Fine I guess, I mean, it's great being able to be affectionate with him and everything, don't get me wrong. I just can't help but feel like I want more."

Liam sighed, he looked at the way Harry had his large hand wrapped around Louis' inner thigh. "Harry, your alpha is going to want to knock him up, him being an omega. But you know Louis is so sensitive, and he needs proper looking after. Since his whole life has just been alphas trying to get with him-" Harry cut Liam off with a low growl that came from his throat.

"And Harry, I know you will protect him from those people now. And you always have. But Harry, Louis needs you to be there for him. For a little while, he just needs you." Liam smiled sympathetically and Harry nodded in understanding. Louis had only ever been seen as an object for sex. And as much as Harry has those urges, even if they're in a different way, he knows he has to suppress them until Louis is ready for that.

So they pulled up outside the studio, around the back, so no one would see them. Harry gave Louis a small shake to get him up. Louis yawned a stretched his arms up, his eyes fluttering open slowly. And Harry thought it was the cutest thing he'd ever seen, it took all his self control to not coo at the omega.

They climbed out of the car and Harry took Louis' hand in his, leading him into the back entrance of the building. Harry looked behind himself at Liam, who was looking at the ground, dragging his feet. Harry turned around and shared a knowing look with Louis. Liam wished he could be out the front of the building, holding Zayn's hand too.

They walked into the studios sitting room where Zayn was sitting looking toward the door, where they just walked in. And Liam saw his face change from worried to happy; and he couldn't help but smile himself, and hug Zayn tightly. Though the smile left his face as soon as he spotted her walking their way.



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