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Louis would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. Today they had their meeting at the head office with management. They were going to request a hiatus. And Louis was terrified that it would blow up in their faces, he knew that they were famous and talented enough to be signed right away if their record company were to drop them, but it still made him nervous.

They filed out to the car, one by one, and once inside, Harry put a protective arm around Louis, sensing his nerves. "I know this is a challenge, Lou, but I have a feeling that we're going to come the the other side happier." Niall gave his thigh a friendly Pat and Louis felt a but silly, seeing as everyone could see how he felt about this. He cuddled further into Harry's side and he felt relaxed in the alphas embrace, Harry's scent seemingly stronger today.

The car stopped and Louis took in a deep breath. He could do this. He wouldn't even have to do much talking. The other three would. God know Liam and Harry will have a lot to say...


The boy were all sat in the room awaiting the 'suited snobs' to arrive. Liam seemed a bit fidgety, his leg bouncing at a hundred miles an hour. Niall leant over to Louis and grabbed his hand, squeezing it, he leant over and whispered into the omegas ear, "I'm proud of you. Everything will be fine." He smiled reassuringly, seeing that Louis was already nervous because he couldn't sit next to Harry.

Though that didn't stop them from staring at eachother the whole time. Sneaking glanced at one another from across the table, Louis blushing nearly every time, and Harry relishing in the reaction he could cause.

And it was only ten more minutes of waiting until they finally came in. So many men who all looked over 50, some familiar faces too; Steve, Stanley, Bert, even Josh. They all took their seats up the other end of the long rectangular glass table.

"Boys. You wanted to talk with us.” Steve stated, rather than asked and the surrounding men all leaned forward ever so slightly in anticipation. Liam stood up from his seat. And took in a deep breath, puffing out his chest to look as big as possible.

"The boys and I want a break. Not a permanent break, more like a hiatus. We've all discussed it, and we feel we deserve some time to rest and be with our families." He spoke calmly and strongly to all the alphas that were watching him with distaste. "I hope you're joking Liam" Bert Calder chuckled and stared at Liam, though when he showed no amusement in his face, the middle aged man frowned.

"You've just released an album you still have to tour for!" Bert added, his voice frantic and angry. "We've all discussed it and we feel it's the best time to do this. Having just finished our midnight memories tour, and have just realised the album. Leaving the fans with some new content while were on break. We know they'll understand." Liam wanted to smile but he knew he had to stay robust in front of the men.

"We're not sure where this is coming from. Is this really what you all want?" One of the other men they didn't recognize spoke. "This is coming from seven years worth of records and tours and promo with only one or two months of rest in-between." Harry spat, almost raising his voice, though remembering what Liam said earlier about trying to keep in impersonal and about business.

"I don't think that what you're presenting is a smart idea. You're career is skyrocketing and to quite now would not be beneficial. I think you should reconsider and keep going. For the sake of the band." Stanley spoke. And his words pushed too far for Harry. The alpha stood up with such force that his chair flew a few meters backwards.

"You wanna know what's best 'for the sake of the band'!?-" Harry shouted before Liam stopped him, "Harry, don't." Liam stood and placed his hand one Harry's shoulder. Harry's nostrils flared with the deep breaths he was huffing. He hadn't noticed the way his loud angry words made Louis sink down in his chair, making Niall scoot closer.

Though when Liam didn't sit back down, Louis and Niall looked up and wondered what he was doing. "I think what Harry is saying is that your homophobia is what's ruining the band. Forcing Louis and Harry apart, because you're afraid we'll lose fans. And that's not even for our sake. It's for yours, because all your concerned about is the sales we make. And not the fact that Zayn was a vital part of this band and you drove him away with your bullshit about what's best for our band." Liam yelled and the room was dead silent.

Louis' and Niall's jaws were hanging open in shock, as were most of the members of modest. The only different reaction was Harry, who looked impressed at his friend and couldn't help the smug smirk that sat on his face as looked over at Stanley.


Liam was running through the streets of London. The sense of urgency laying heavy on his chest. And once he ran past a back street and could see the camera crews and extras walking around he knew he was in the right place; the set for Zayn's new music video. He entered the cul-de-sac that was dressed up to look like China town. He decided he didn't need to keep running, looking out for the boy with the blonde buzz cut.

Once he spotted the beta he placed a hand on Zayn's shoulder and spun him around. Zayn looked up and Liam with a puzzled expression, "What are you doing here?" He asked, looking over his shoulders to see if anyone was watching them. "It's over Zayn. We can finally be together." Liam smiled widely with s huge smile spreading across his face. And Zayn's puzzled expression only grew further, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, we spoke with management and the band is going on Hiatus. And we're planning on staying on break until our contract with modest ends, and resigning with another management. Zayn, I mean we can finally be together." Liam looked deeply into Zayn's brown eyes for an answer.

And when Zayn broke out into a smile, Liam was quick to replace it with a kiss. Grabbing the back of Zayn's neck and deepening the kiss. They pulled away when the sound of applause erupted from around them. They pulled away and pressed their foreheads together, smiling at one another.

Hey guys.
Sorry for a late update, I hope you like the chapter. X


So the fanfic awards have began, and I'd really really love it if you all please VOTE for me! It'd just be amazing, thanks guys, love you all! xo


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