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Niall and Liam were still in the lounge room talking, thought they'd since calmed down from their earlier discussion, being a few hours had since gone by. Louis had been asleep in his room for about three hours now, and they weren't game enough to wake him.

So when the door opened to reveal Harry, who looked a little broken, they weren't sure how to react. Harry looked over at the alpha and beta that looked back at him with hesitation in their eyes. "Sorry I was out so late guys. I was busy being abused by our lovely friends at modest management" Harry chuckled, but he wasn't fooling anyone. Liam sighed, "Harry. Please. You don't have to put on a brave face for us." He stood and walked over to the fellow alpha. Harry sighed, but embarrassed Liam none the less. "I've actually talked it all out with a friend, but thanks Li." He smiled against his friends shoulder.

And Harry really meant that smile too. It was nice to know that they weren't just band mates. They were brothers. They would always be there for one another, and knowing that made Harry feel a little better. Liam and Harry let go of one another, though as soon as Liam stepped aside, Niall basically threw himself at Harry, making the alpha stumble back a little. Harry chuckled at the beta; he was the same as he was the day they met at X-Factor. "Just talk with him Harry. You might be surprised." Niall whispered before letting him go.

Harry stepped back and gave Niall and puzzled look. Niall sat back down at the table, joining Liam. Niall had filled Liam in on everything he knew, needing some fresh input from the level-headed alpha. Harry joined the two at the table, they were only able to talk for about two minutes before Louis' bedroom door opened and all three of them looked towards the door, Harry standing from his seat, they all stayed silent, looking to see what would happen.

Louis walked out of the door frame and he was rubbing his eyes, indicating he was still tired. He stopped when he saw his three band mates staring at him. His eyes dropped onto Harry, he wasn't sure what to do. But he went on his first instinct, and he ran to Harry, who opened his arms and as Louis jumped into them, he lifted the omega up and held onto him so tightly. They buried their heads into the others neck. The both of the taking in the others scent, not wanting to let go.

Though after about thirty seconds, Niall cleared his throat. "Liam and I are going to hang out in his suit for a while." He spoke as the two of them stood from the table, though when he got no reaction from either of his friends, he just scoffed and chuckled to himself. "Maybe I should stay the night" He muttered to Liam who smirked at the beta, Niall and Liam left the suite, Niall stopping to grab a few things from his room. And after five minutes of standing in the dining room, holing each other like it was their last day, Harry finally out Louis down on the ground.

"Let's sit down and chat" Harry offered with a small smile, placing his hand on Louis' lower back, directing them to the couch. Louis felt nervous, he wasn't sure whether this would be a good or a bad chat. But then again, neither did Harry. They sat down on the two-seater and made themselves comfortable. Louis grabbed a tassel-edged pillow, knowing that if things got bad, he'd need something to fiddle with, to distract himself from crying.

"So..." Louis started, since Harry was only sitting there staring at him. Harry looked deeply into his eyes as soon as the omega lifted his head. Louis wanted to look away, but he felt like he was in a trance, that Harry somehow had control of, not allowing him to make a move. Harry could see the hurt in Louis' eyes, though it was hidden behind the strong feeling of fear that clouded it at that moment.

"Louis, I know I hurt you. And nothing hurts me more than that. Honestly." Harry paused and took a deep breath. "I could have tried harder than I did, and I know that now. I know there are no excuses, but honestly; I was scared, management in my ear every day, telling me how much I'd be hurting the band if we were together. They got into my head. But I won't let that happen anymore. I promise."

Louis was looking at the ground; trying to take in all this information that was pouring out of Harry all at once. It was a little overwhelming. "Harry, I don't blame you for the Taylor thing. It's just, it didn't seem like you really liked me. Sure you had feeling for me, but it seemed like they weren't that strong, like I was easy enough to let go." Louis shrugged, feeling a little nervous about opening up.

Harry couldn't help it, but he felt his eyes welling up and his stomach fall. "Oh my god. Louis, I-" Harry stood up and tugged on his locks, he could believe that he made Louis feel worthless. He didn't deserve him. Harry started pacing the length of the room. Louis watched the alpha, feeling kind of guilty. "Harry I'm sorry..." Louis muttered, returning his gaze to the floor. "You're sor- Oh Louis." Harry rushed over to Lounge by Louis' side, "Lou, my sweet Louis. Please, don't be sorry. You have no reason to be sorry. I am the one who is beyond sorry. To have made you feel like that, it kills me." Harry looked so serious and Louis watched as a single tear fell down his cheek.

He couldn't bear watching Harry cry, Louis lent forward and pulled the alpha into his chest. He didn't say anything. He knew that they just needed to hold each other in silence for a few minutes. And once those few minutes were over, and Harry had calmed himself from breathing Louis' intoxicating scent, he sat back up and grabbed Louis' hands.

"Louis, I've made so many mistakes in the past couple of months, and while I know you may not forgive me, I still want to say what I need to say. So Louis, I've had enough of the games, I'm done pretending that I'm not completely in love with you. You are so perfect, and I want to be with you, forever. And I need you to know that." Harry finished, and he was about to stand and walk away before Louis grabbed his wrist.

"Harry, of course I forgive you. In the same situation, I probably would have done the same. I know you didn't want to hurt me. And if you really mean what you say about the way you feel for me, then I want you to prove it. Because I'm in love with you too, Harry. And I want to be with you." Louis was smiling, and Harry was smiling, and the two of them were teary-eyed. But at the same time, they've never felt happier.

Hi guys, if you like the story, I ask that you follow this account, because I want to start posting messages about the story and I don't want anyone to miss out.
In other words, how do you like it so far? I know you're gonna love the next chapter! I'm very excited. :)


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