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Louis sang along as Katherine Heigl and James Marsden Drunkenly sang 'Bennie and the Jets' in the bar scene. Harry laughed and payed very little attention to the screen and more on the little omega who was singing at the top of his lungs and sounded not all bad considering he was mocking drunken slurred singing. "It'd be great to do that." Louis chuckled as the scene ended. Though the make out scene inevitably came up and the omega never had a problem of watching this sort of thing with Harry, but at this moment he felt awfully squeamish.

"Yeah, that too" Harry smirked down at Louis, giving him a wink before turning back to the screen, composing himself as if nothing happened. Louis glanced at the screen to make sure Harry just insinuated what Louis thought he did. And surly enough they were making out in the car. "Oh" Louis let out. He didn't know why he was so nervous right now. He completely agreed.

Liam walked through the door, it was 5:45 sharp, and both Harry and Louis were on the lounge watching TV. "Good to see you're both having fun" Liam smirked. He knew Louis was a little introvert, but he expected Harry to go out. He thought maybe Harry felt sorry for Louis having to stay alone. "Hey Liam!" Louis got up and chased after the alpha, leaving Harry to turn off the film. Harry hopes he didn't scare Louis away. He brings his hands to his face, rubbing his eyes. He thinks he probably shouldn't have done that.

"How was lunch?" Louis asked following Liam to his room. "Yeah alright, thanks" Liam began to talk to Louis, but Louis wasn't really listening, his thought going a million miles an hour. He wondered if Harry had feelings for him also. He wondered if this was some sick joke for the alpha to be teasing him on his infatuation. Louis began to tear up, he wished he wasn't so easily upset, but it's something he can't help. Louis hoped off the bed and left the room before Liam had the chance to see his tears and sped off to his and Niall's room.

Louis lay on his bed; he had calmed himself enough to stop crying. But his thoughts still remained. He wondered if Harry had seen something Louis had written down, in an old diary perhaps, and he thought he's have a little fun with it? Well Louis kept thinking until Niall came into the room. "'Ay Lou" He hollered over his shoulder as he sat on his bed pulling out his phone. Louis wonders if he should talk to Niall about this new found drama in his life. Being a beta, Niall is in between alpha and omega, making him a neutral party. Plus Niall is Louis' friend, AND he knows what it's like to be in the band and the situations Louis is in; to an extent.

Louis smiled, he felt like if he let some of his feelings and thoughts out to Niall he would feel a lot better, and have some help him out too. Louis sits up and walks to Niall's bed. "Louis? What's up?" Niall asked as Louis timidly sits where the beta had gestured for him to. "Niall, I want to tell you something in hopes you can help and support me through it." Keeping his head down as he asks, but looking up at him to see what his face looks like. Niall suddenly has a look of concern; he ditches his phone and sits up in front of Louis taking his hands into his own. "Louis I'm always here for you no matter what. I will help you with anything you need" Niall says, worry whirling around in his eyes. Louis couldn't help but giggle, "No Niall, it's nothing like that. You see, I have feelings for someone I shouldn't."

Louis then then goes on to tell Niall about the way Louis has felt for Harry ever since X-factor. He told Niall that although they've always been close, but Louis has always wanted to be closer. All the while Niall smiles at Louis; because he already knew. They all knew. Niall also knows that there's a 99% chance that Harry feel the exact same as Louis does. Though he's still glad that Louis has finally opened up to him. So he listens, and he decides that he will defiantly help Louis in any way the omega wants him to.

"And then he winked at me and said 'that too' when they were making out. And I've never felt uncomfortable with Harry in any situation, but in that moment I felt it. And I just knew that he was picking on me and I cried Niall." Louis breathed out in one go, feeling relieved to be able to talk to someone about it. "Well, first of all. I'm flattered that you trust me enough to tell me this. I won't let you down, I'm great with secrets. And about today, have you considered that maybe Harry meant that he actually wanted to make out with you?" Niall asked and he saw the gears turning in Louis' head.

He knew that the alpha couldn't possibly want him. Harry was a god in Louis' eyes, he was perfection. There is no possible way he would want someone like Louis, especially because he could have anyone he wanted. "No Niall, he couldn't possibly feel that way for me." Louis mumbled whilst deep in thought. Niall rolled his eyes. Niall was now on his own little mission.


The boys were under the stage on their platforms waiting to be boosted up on stage. They could hear the fans cheering and Louis looks at his side to where Niall is, when gives him a thumbs up and a wink. Louis looks at the floor. He knows he can trust Niall to keep his secret and be there for him, but he hopes Niall hasn't gotten any plans to do something stupid.

The boys are given a countdown before they're being boosted up onto the stage. The crowd goes wild as they catch sight of the boys. Louis is so nervous to be standing next to Harry; he had been avoiding him since Liam got back to the hotel room. Louis knew it was childish and stupid, but he was going to talk to Harry again. He loved Harry's friendship, no matter how much he picked on Louis.

'Up all night' music begins to play and the concert starts. When Louis sings he feels better. When he begins to sing and all his troubles fly out the the window and he's having a great time. Louis eases into the night and the music soothes him. The boys were getting in formation for Harry's solo in 'that's what makes you beautiful' and in the shine of the spotlight; Louis took Harry's breath away. Harry's jaw literally hung open as he stared at the gorgeous boy beside him; having to shake himself out of it as his solo came up.

"But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, you don't know;" Harry paused and looked at Louis, mentally dedicating the lyrics to him. The crowd seemed to catch on because they were screaming at this stage. "..You don't know you're beautiful" They all jumped out of formation and skipped their separate ways. Harry didn't want to stop looking at Louis, but he realised he had to watch where he was going when he stumbles into an amp' making himself blush. He mentally imagines Louis' white shirt go see-through again and the way Louis smiled, it simultaneously turned him on and made his heart melt.

Harry wished he didn't scare Louis away with his sexual innuendo. He only meant to joke around with Louis like they always do. Ever since x-factor, they two boys were always playing around. Harry loved the relationship they had. But the more popular they got the less they were allowed to muck around together. This was because management were making sure that the fans were happy so they'd buy our albums and merchandise, so that they would make money. It made Harry angry that they knew they could scare Louis into submission, but that wasn't going to work with Harry.

Side Note:
Hey guys, so I have a few ideas as to where this story will go and how fast it will get there, but I'd really like some feedback from you all.
Whether its ideas and suggestions (Which I will give credit for if I use) or if its feedback on how I'm doing with the story, anything!
I would love to hear from you guys!
Thanks :)


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