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Niall was crazy! Louis thought he was joking at first when he suggested that Louis pretend to date Eleanor to make Harry jealous. But the bloody loon was serious!

Louis couldn't hurt someone like that for his own personal benefit. He just couldn't, it'd be wrong. Niall was so sure that it'd work, telling Louis, 'you should have seen his face when he saw her flirting with you!' But Louis wouldn't have it. He couldn't let himself believe that again.

But, then again, he still loves Harry. He thinks he'll always love Harry. Then again, he could just be acting naive. Maybe he should... Eleanor seems like a lovely girl, and she made it quite clear she was interested in Louis. She has an assertive nature, and isn't afraid to show it.

Louis thinks one date won't hurt anyone... And if it did hurt a certain alpha... Maybe it wasn't so uncalled for.

Louis sat on the edge of his bed, his brain a wreck as these things rushed through his mind. Stupid Niall, putting thoughts in his head. He should never have told the 'cheeky idiot' of the group. Liam, a level-headed alpha probably would have been a better choice. He'd have helped Louis get over his infatuation and this would all be done with by now.

And as if on cue, Liam walked into the room. "There you are" he announced before sitting next to the omega. "Hey Li" Louis smiled, naturally liking the attention of the alpha. "I just wanted to check on you. I know Taylor has been taking Harry's attention from you, and I can see it's affecting you" Liam's hand its way to Louis's shoulder, and he stared into Louis's eyes, searching for answers.

Louis never thought about it that way. Harry wasn't purposely ignoring him; he just had a new girlfriend that he wanted to spend time with. Louis had done nothing wrong. And then he thought of Harry having feelings for someone else. And Louis felt a pang of possession. "Well that's his choice innit." Louis spat, not meaning to be harsh on Liam, but this sudden emoticon was strong. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some planning to do, with Niall"


"Lou, which jacket looks better with my outfit?" Eleanor strutted out of her closet, wearing a plain white tee, black skinny jeans and white canvas sneakers, on one arm she had a blue denim jacket and over the other, a black leather jacket.

"Mm, the leather one!" Louis pointed and she smiled. "Thanks, babe" she said in monotone as she dropped the denim jacket to the ground, and slid on the leather one. She ruffled her hair and admired herself in the mirror. Louis sighed, it was an alpha thing to admire yourself, but Eleanor took it to another level. Thank god Harry and Liam weren't like most alphas.

Eleanor wasn't so bad. She was a good as a friend, but when she was around her other friends, she used her alpha voice on Louis; and he didn't like that. Liam or Harry never did that to him. They treated him equally, most of the time anyway.

He had spent the week hanging out with Eleanor, when he wasn't doing shows of course. But it's okay, because Harry spent his with Taylor. 'Prissy, perfect, Taylor' Louis didn't realise his face was scrunched up until Eleanor pointed it out. "Oh no reason, sorry." Louis uttered, his head looking at the ground. "Alright, but you shouldn't do that in public. You should look good when you're with me, okay darling?" she smiled and Louis tried his best to smile back.

They were currently on their way to the studio after a morning shop. And they still have a concert tonight; Louis was going to be exhausted. Eleanor was driving her turquoise jeep with Louis passenger; they were singing and having a little fun when Louis phone went off.

 Eleanor was driving her turquoise jeep with Louis passenger; they were singing and having a little fun when Louis phone went off

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Louis stared at his phone for a little. Half of him felt bad, but then there was his other half, the one that said there's no harm in letting Harry feel the way Louis does. He locked his phone and put it on his lap, he continued singing, they were almost there anyway, and Niall could wait for the reply.


Harry told his driver to wait here so he could walk Taylor to her door. Even if their relationship wasn't real, he was going to be a gentleman none the less. "I'll see you soon Harry" Taylor smiled and pecked Harry's cheek before she continued walk through the front doors of the hotel she was staying at. Harry smiled and turned on his heel, walking back to the car. The paparazzi were there, of course, they were there for anything Harry and Taylor did.

He climbed into the back seat and the driver took off immediately. He pulled out his phone he opened up twitter and had a look at the trending list. At number three was '#Elounor' and Harry's heart sank.


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