02. The Proposal

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Chapter 2: The Proposal

Summary: A flashback of how Shirayuki was proposed by Zen about a year and  half ago.

On a warm spring in the Kingdom of Clarines. Lands were growing beautifully from the white snow. Trees were recovering from the death. Packed snow on the roofs were melting slowly, day by day.

In a forest near the Wistal Palace, walked a couple sharing laughter, hand in hand, lovingly dividing gazes at each other, blushing and talking about the world; what it would be like if there were only the two of them, how it would be if there was no Kingdom, no Prince, no duties, no rules

just the two of them.

"Just imagine how nice it would be, we will be seeing each other every day, there would be no boundaries for us, there would be no titles, just us growing together", Zen imagined. I giggled at his imagination.

"Well, I think it would be nice, just the two of us", I agreed, adding, "But you must remember, such a thing cannot come to present." I waited for his reactions. "Yeah, you're right." Zen glared at the sky disappointed but still smiled.

We were just walking around, hand in hand. Then out of nowhere Zen squeezed my hands then I groaned playfully, "Zen!" He just stared at me surprisingly like nothing happened. I playfully rolled my eyes at him and smiled.

"This place is really beautiful," I whispered to myself underneath my breath, but enough for Zen to hear it. He turned to look at me.

Birds chirping, trees lazily been blown by the wind, flowers, and leaves giving their best dance moves in the air, water flowing from meters ahead. Such an incredible mid-evening sight.

I realized for a while that Zen had not spoken. I rotated to look at him. He looked like he was in deep thoughts. I began to worry. If I ask him what's wrong, he's going to deny, but I asked anyway, "Zen, are you alright? You look a bit off."

He suddenly looked at me and quickly replied waving his other free hand in the air, "No! No, no, seriously I'm fine. Nothing is wrong." After his quick answer, he gave a sheepish laugh. I gave a quick smile then nodded. Then a sheepish silence drove itself into our sheepish conversation.

I slightly glared at him. I realized how nervous he looked and how hard he's also trying not to show it. He had lightly pursed his lips together, and once a while licking it. We walked towards the lake, the water that we heard it flowing about meters ago.

"Look Zen!" I said in excitement letting go of my hand off Zen's palm and running towards the lake. "It's really beautiful," I whispered kneeling opposite the lake, trying to see my reflection in the water. I gasped as I saw myself then I smiled at myself.

I stared at my mirror till I realized Zen had not made any move to get closer to the lake. I stood up and saw Zen standing there exactly where I left him. He looked a bit different, paled.

"Zen, is something wrong?" I asked walking towards him. He came back to reality and swallowed hard.

"Nothing exactly. Was just thinking about something", he said looking at the ground.

"Is it something I need to know?" I asked worriedly my fingers brushing his cheeks, lifting up his chin. I lifted his chin till I saw his deep blue eyes. We stared at each other till Zen licked his lips, once more, then cleared his throat.

"Shirayuki." He gave a break after saying my name and continued, "I don't even know where to start", he gave a husky laugh.

"Zen, it's okay if you don't want to say anything," I said hoping he would feel more comfortable. "No, Shirayuki! I really want to say it, to you", he replied with a loving smile tucked on his lips. He took my arm and we walked to the other side of the lake. "Okay, I'm going to talk, but you can't interrupt until you have to", Zen ordered and I nodded as an approval.

"Shirayuki" he took a deep breath and continued, "It's been more than four years since we met. We had faced ups and downs. We had faced rejections. We had faced separations. We had faced many countless things, and those things always try to come between us, but we had always fought for us. During and even after the two-year separation, I realized soon many things I couldn't even realize before that. You showed an example of a true woman, who will fight and protect something or someone you love, you have shown how strong you are, you even showed loved towards me when I was in deep thoughts of thinking if anyone would love me for who I am but not for what I have. You have shown me many things. And those many things are the things any man in this world would ever dream their woman has. Reasons for that,"

Zen knelt on his right leg and took my left hand. Before he could say his next sentence, I was already uncontrollably tearing. I suddenly put my right hand on my mouth. I looked at his nervous yet determined face. He swallowed really hard and then asked, "Will you marry me?"

I nodded countlessly and replied, "Yes! Yes, Zen, I will marry you."

For some reason, Zen was shocked not believing my answer. He suddenly stood up and asked straight away, "Seriously? I mean, of course, you are serious, but I mean like you know..." Zen asked not believing his ears. I chuckled at his puzzlement and nodded then replied him in a soft tone,

"Yes, Zen, I will marry you. You make me feel different. You accepted me into your life when I thought our differences in life would come between us, but you never let that happen. Even though many things had happened, neither did you gave up on me, neither did you leave me. Such a man, a woman would also ask for."

Zen had tears in his eyes, then out of nowhere, hugged me tightly, and picked me up into the air and spun me.

He landed me and we looked into each other's eyes, we then pressed our foreheads together and laughed nervously.

We both leaned forward till our lips crushed. I tilted my head and so did Zen. I let my hands through Zen's hair softly as the other lies patiently on his chest, hearing his fastening heartbeat. He put his right hand on my waist, pulling me closer. He put his left palm on my cheek, deepening our kiss.

After the compassionate, long-desired kiss, we broke apart for proper air. We licked our lips and we both giggled, blushing lightly.

"Turn around", Zen whispered. I smiled at him and turned around. After moments of standing, he moved closer. I saw a necklace in the air getting closer to my neck. I brushed my now-long hair away so he could have space. After he put the necklace on my neck, I turned to face him.

"It suits you", Zen said gracefully at his gift.

"Thank you, it looks really pretty," I said as I admired the light ruby, emerald and diamond jewel around my neck.

"If you want you can change the size, you can make it shorter or longer", Zen explained. "It's also my proposal gift."

"Zen, this is really beautiful. I'm short of words. I-I-Thank You. Thank You so much for everything." I thanked not knowing the right words to say.

"It's nothing", he pecked my forehead. "I think we need to head back."

"Yeah, I think so too." I agreed

"Then shall we, my lady." Zen stretched his arm. I gladly took it and shared a laugh, then we started walking back to the castle


I am a very hard-rocked-hearted person, because of that, I didn't know how to write this emotional chapter.

Sorry if I screwed it up.

Hope you enjoyed;)

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